Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Leak detectors)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1995 protocol for equipment leak emission estimates / 1995
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Action leakage rates for leak detection systems : supplemental background document for the final double liners and leak detection systems rule for hazardous waste landfills, waste piles, and surface impoundments. 1992
An evaluation of septic leachate detection / 1986
Analysis of SOCMI VOC fugitive emissions data / 1981
Automatic tank gauging systems for release detection : reference manual for underground storage tank inspectors. 2000
Background document on proposed liner and leak detection rule / prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by GeoServices Inc. Consulting Engineers. 1987
Chemicals stored in USTs : characteristics and leak detection / 1991
Continuous system acoustic monitoring : from start to repair / 2011
Detecting leaks : successful methods step-by-step. 1989
Detection and location of leaks in district heating steam systems survey and review of current technology and practices / 1992
Development of Procedures to Assess the Performance of External Leak Detection Devices. Executive Summary Draft. 1988
Development of Quantitative Containment Performance Tests for Laboratory Fume Hoods. 1982
Effect of conservation programs on electric utility earnings : results of two case studies 1986
Environmental Technology Verification Report: ETV Advanced Monitoring Systems Center. FLIR Systems GasFindIR Midwave (MW) Camera. 2010
EPA's SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership: Maximizing the Benefits of SF6 Emission Reductions for Electric Utilities. 2004
Evaluation of the walkthrough survey method for detection of volatile organic compound leaks 1981
Evaluation of the walkthrough survey method for detection of volatile organic compound leaks / 1981
Evaluation of U-tube underground tank monitoring systems for soil vapor testing : Suffolk County, New York : report / 1988
Evaluation of Volumetric Leak Detection Systems for Large Underground Tanks. 1993
Fabric filter bag leak detection guidance 1997
Field Demonstration of Innovative Condition Assessment Technologies for Water Mains: Leak Detection and Location. 2012
Field experience with four portable VOC (volatile organic compound) monitors {microfiche} 1985
Fluid product pipeline leak detection from airborne platforms / 1970
Free-product release detection for underground storage tank systems / 1988
Inspection manual for enforcement of new source performance standards : equipment leaks in synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing industry, equipment leaks in petroleum refineries, equipment leaks in onshore natural gas processing plants / 1990
Introduction to leak detection : understanding federal release detection requirements and acceptable release detection methods : instructor manual. 1992
Introduction to leak detection : understanding federal release detection requirements and acceptable release detection methods : student manual. 1992
Leak detection equipment/procedures evaluations draft list. 1994
Leak detection for underground storage tanks 1993
Leak detection list of methodologies used for underground storage tanks / 1994
Leak detection methods for plastic water distribution pipes 1999
Leaking underground storage tanks containing motor fuels : a chemical advisory. 1984
List of leak detection evaluations for underground storage tank systems. 2000
Overview of EPA Research on underground storage tank leak detection. {microfiche} / by Myron S. Rosenberg and Julia M. Nault, et al.. 1990
Pressure and Temperature Fluctuations in Underground Storage Tank Pipelines Containing Gasoline. 1990
Research for Abatement of Leaks from Underground Storage Tanks Containing Hazardous Substances. Draft Final Report. Phase 1 of Modeling Vapor Phase Movement in Relation to UST Leak Detection. 1988
Screening Methodology for Assessing Leaking UST Sites and Clean Up Technologies. 1993
Septic leachate detector research 1982
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : automatic tank gauging systems : final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : nonvolumetric tank tightness testing methods : final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : pipeline leak dectection systems :b final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : pipeline leak detection systems / 1991
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : pipeline leak detection systems / 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : pipeline leak detection systems : final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : statistical inventory reconciliation methods : final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : vapor-phase out-of-tank product detectors : final report. 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : volumetric tank tightness testing methods : final report. 1990
Survey of vendors of external petroleum leak monitoring devices for use with underground storage tanks / 1987
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