Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lead based paint United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of composite wipe samples for lead content / 1996
At a Glance : EPA Is Not Recovering All Its Costs of the Lead-Based Paint Fees Program. 2013
Caution, lead paint : handle with care. 2008
Co mo reducir los peligros del plomo al remodelar su casa. 1995
Comprehensive and workable plan for the abatement of lead-based paint in privately owned housing : report to Congress. 1991
Disclosure of information on lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards. 1990
Enforcement Alert : EPA Enforces Lead Paint Laws to Protect Human Health, Ensure Renovators Comply with Requirements, and Promote Level Playing Field. 2018
EPA is not recovering all its costs of the Lead-Based Paint Fees Program / 2013
EPA's national guidelines for lead hazards in dust, soil and paint : a summary and analysis / 1994
Evaluating and controlling lead-based paint hazards : a guide for using EPA's lead-based paint hazard standards / 1998
Guidelines for the evaluation and control of lead-based paint hazards in housing. 1995
Home repairs and renovations : what you should know about lead-based paint. 1992
Industrial lead paint removal : compliance and worker safety. 1992
Industrial lead paint removal handbook 1993
La pintura a base de plomo es toxica : estan en riesgo sus inquilinos? 2008
La pintura a base de plomo es toxica : proteja a su familia cuando pinte o remodele su casa. 2008
La seguridad con el plomo : para remodelacion, reparacion y pintura : manual del estudiante. 2004
La seguridad con la pintura de plomo : una guia practica para la pintura, el mantenimiento y las renovaciones en las viviendas. 2002
Laboratory accreditation program guidelines : measurement of lead in paint, dust, and soil : final report / 1992
Lead paint can poison : are your tenants at risk?. 2000
Lead paint can poison : is your family at risk?. 2008
Lead paint can poison : learn the facts. 2008
Lead paint safety : a field guide for painting, home maintenance, and renovation work. 2001
Lead paint safety : a field guide for painting, home maintenance, and renovation work. 1999
Lead poisoning : hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, first session, including H.R. 2840 ... April 25 and July 26, 1991. 1991
Lead safety for remodeling, repair, and painting : final examination : trainer notes. 2003
Lead safety for renovation, repair, and painting : joint EPA - HUD curriculum : model certified renovator initial training course. Instructor manual. 2010
Lead-based paint : interim guidelines for hazard identification and abatement in public and Indian housing. 1990
Lead-based paint : interim guidelines for hazard identification and abatement in public and Indian housing. 1991
Protecting workers exposed to lead-based paint hazards : a report to Congress / 1997
Questions and Answers : pre-renovation lead information rule (TSCA 406B). 1998
Reducing lead hazards when remodeling your home. 1997
Remodelar correctamente : guia de practicas acreditadas seguras para trabajar con el plomo para. 2011
Renovate right : important lead hazard information for families, child care providers and schools. 2008
Renovate right : important lead hazard information for families, child care providers, and schools. 2008
Small entity compliance guide to renovate right : EPA's lead-based paint renovation, repair, and painting program : a handbook for contractors, property managers and maintenance personnel working in homes and child-occupied facilities built before 1978 / 2011
Small entity compliance guide to renovate right : EPA's lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program : a handbook for contractors, property managers and maintenance personnel working in homes, child care facilities and schools built before 1978 / 2008
Statistical methods used in hazard identification and abatement of lead-based paint in public and Indian housing : draft report / 1992
Testing your home for lead. 1992
The lead-based paint pre-renovation regulation : does it apply to you?. 2000
The lead-safe certified guide to renovate right. 2011
TSCA Section 403 : sampling guidance for identifying lead-based paint hazards / 1998
What you should know about lead-based paint in your home. 1990
Workshop report : identification of performance parameters for portable X-ray fluorescence measurement of lead in paint / 1992

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