Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 87
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lead Environmental aspects United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A lead emission factor for reentrained dust from a paved roadway / 1978
Adverse health effects of lead and copper from avenues other than ingestion / 1992
Air quality criteria for lead : supplement to the 1986 addendum / 1990
Airport lead monitoring / 2015
Airport lead monitoring. 2013
Analysis of pathways of residential lead exposure in children : final report. 2000
Analysis of pathways of residential lead exposure in children for work assignment 1-10, subtask 3 / 2000
Approval of data sharing committee recommendations for lead and copper / 1999
At a Glance : Review of Hotline Complaint Concerning Cost and Benefit Estimates for EPA's Lead-Based Paint Rule. 2012
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) meeting March 11-12 1986 to review the 2nd external review draft of the Staff Paper for Lead / 1986
Consecutive systems regulated under the national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper / 1992
Consecutive systems regulated under the national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper / 1992
Control techniques for lead air emissions from stationary sources. 1985
Control techniques for lead air emissions. 1977
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Economic and supporting analyses short-term regulatory changes to the lead and copper rule / {electronic resource} : 2007
Effect of the lead ban on sale of plumbing fixtures containing lead solder / 1998
Effective date of the lead ban / 1988
Estimation of alkylated lead emissions : final report / 1993
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : lead-zinc / 1994
Faucets interpreted as "lead pipe fittings" / 1991
Federal Register. 40 CFR part 141 and 142 : National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : disinfectants and disinfection byproducts ; notice of data availability ; proposed rule. Part II, Environmental Protection Agency. : 1997
Federal Register. 40 CFR part 745, lead ; identification of dangerous levels of lead ; final rule. Part III : Environmental Protection Agency. 2001
Federal register. 40 CFR parts 9, 141, and 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : ground water rule ; Final rule. Part II, Environmental Protection Agency : 2006
Federal register. 40 CFR parts 9, 141, and 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : long term 1 enhanced surface water treatment rule ; Final rule. Part II, Environmental Protection Agency : 2002
Field study of the fate of arensic, lead, and zinc at the ground-water/surface-water interface / 2005
Geographic distribution of sample sites for lead and copper / 1992
Get the word out... get the lead out. 2001
Household refrigerators and lead contamination / 1988
How to check for lead hazards in your home. 1997
Inorganic lead final environmental impact statement. 1978
Investigative strategies for lead-source attribution at Superfund sites associated with mining activities / 2017
Issues with lead service line replacement / 2005
Lead action level versus LCCA guidance level / 1991
Lead and copper monitoring and reporting guidelines for public water systems / 2002
Lead and copper rule : a quick reference guide. 2004
Lead and copper rule briefing book. 1996
Lead ban / 1988
Lead ban / 1989
Lead Ban Act of 1990 and the Lead Exposure Reduction Act of 1990 hearing before the Subcommittee on Toxic Substances, Environmental Oversight, Research and Development of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, second session, on S. 2593 ... and S. 2637 ... June 27, 1990. 1990
Lead ban enforcement / 1988
Lead ban enforcement / 1992
Lead ban provisions in the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments of 1986 (P.L. 99-339) / 1987
Lead Bulletin. 2018
Lead detectors : a mystery regarding the dangers of lead / 1996
Lead effects on cardiovascular function and stature : an addendum to the U.S. EPA 1986 document: air quality criteria for lead. 1986
Lead emissions from the use of leaded aviation gasoline in the United States : technical support document. 2008
Lead exposure health effects, regulatory actions, and congressional options / 1984
Lead in school drinking water / 1990
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