Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Land use United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Review of the Florida Keys carrying capacity study / 2002
Agrarian landscapes in transition : comparisons of long-term ecological and cultural change / 2008
Agricultural production in the United States by county : a compilation of information from the 1974 Census of Agriculture for use in terrestrial food-chain transport and assessment models / 1982
America's land and its uses. 1972
An Analysis of the land base situation in the United States, 1989-2040. 1989
Annotated literature references on land treatment of hazardous waste / 1984
Annual report / 1982
At road's end : transportation and land use choices for communities / 1995
Atlas of river basins of the United States : drainage areas of more than 750 square miles : land resource regions and major land resource areas / 1963
Biodiversity and smart growth : sprawl threatens our natural heritage / 2002
Building better communities : a toolkit for quality growth. 2000
Building livable communities : a report from the Clinton-Gore administration. 1999
Building livable communities : sustaining prosperity, improving quality of life, building a sense of community. 2000
Car country : an environmental history / 2014
Charting the course for rebuilding a great American city : an assessment of the planning function in post-Katrina New Orleans / 2005
Choosing our community's future : a citizen's guide to getting the most out of new development / 2005
Cities in the wilderness : a new vision of land use in America / 2005
Clearing and grading strategies for urban watersheds 1995
Common groundwork : a practical guide to protecting rural and urban land : a handbook for making land-use decisions / 2000
Common groundwork : a practical guide to protecting rural and urban land : a handbook for making land-use decisions / 1995
Common groundwork : a practical guide to protecting rural and urban land : a handbook for making land-use decisions / 1993
Community planning : an introduction to the comprehensive plan / 1999
Conservation thresholds for land use planners. 2003
Control of water pollution from cropland / 1975
Control of water pollution from cropland {microform} / 1976
Cooperating across boundaries : partnerships to conserve open space in rural America. 2006
Cooperating with nature : confronting natural hazards with land use planning for sustainable communities / 1998
Coordinated planning guide : a how-to resource for integrating alternative water supply and land use planning / 2018
Costs of sprawl--2000 2002
Costs of wastewater treatment by land application / 1976
Drinking water from forests and grasslands : a synthesis of the scientific literature / 2000
Economic benefits of parks and open space : how land conservation helps communities grow smart and protect the bottom line / 1999
Economic development and environmental control balancing business and community in an age of NIMBYs and LULUs / 1995
Energy and land use / 1981
Enhancing management of forests and vegetation on Department of Defense lands : opportunities, benefits, and feasibility / 1992
Environmental statements-framework studies and assessments and regional or river basin plans. 1971
Ethical land use : principles of policy and planning / 1994
Eutrophication and land use, Lake Dillon, Colorado / 1984
Evaluation of modeling tools for assessing land use policies and strategies ; prepared for Transportation and Market Incentives Group, Office of Mobile Sources, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ann Arbor, Michigan ; prepared by Arlene S. Rosenbaum, Brett E. Koenig. 1997
Evolving use and management of the nation's forests, grasslands, croplands, and related resources 1989
Federal land use regulation 1977
Framework for Creating a Smart Growth Economic Development Strategy : a Tool for Small Cities and Towns. 2016
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2015
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2007
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2017
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2016
Getting to smart growth : 100 policies for implementation / 2002
Getting to smart growth II : 100 more policies for implementation / 2003
GIS and land records : the ArcGIS parcel data model / 2004
Green legacy : communities worth leaving to future generations / 2009
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