Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Land use Government policy)

Select Item Title Year Published
Beyond fences : brownfields and the challenges of land use controls / 2000
Cities in the wilderness : a new vision of land use in America / 2005
Dispute resolution : a handbook for land use planners and resource managers : prepared for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development / 1990
Enhancing management of forests and vegetation on Department of Defense lands : opportunities, benefits, and feasibility / 1992
Environmental management and governance : intergovernmental approaches to hazards and sustainability / 1996
Environmental protection : federal incentives could help promote land use that protects air and water quality / 2001
Essential industry and the NIMBY phenomenon 1991
Ethical land use : principles of policy and planning / 1994
Federal land, western anger the Sagebrush Rebellion and environmental politics / 1993
Hazardous waste cleanup sites land use and reuse assessment : A comprehensive review of land use occurring on hazardous waste cleanup sites in the Mid-Atlantic region / 2006
Intergovernmental influences on local land use decision making 1989
Land conservation through public/private partnerships 1993
Land, development and design / 2010
New York-New Jersey highlands regional study 1992
Open space conservation : investing in your community's economic health / 1998
Planning the Oregon way : a twenty-year evaluation / 1994
Policy for land : law and ethics / 1993
Protecting the New Jersey Pinelands : a new direction in land-use management / 1988
Public interest in the use of private lands 1989
Public lands and private rights : the failure of scientific management / 1995
Remedy selection and land use at federal facilities. 1996
Report of the Committee on Land Disposal. 1983
Review of water and related land resource activities in the Missouri River basin, fiscal years 1981-1985. / 1981
State land conservation & growth management policy a legislator's guide / 1990
Taking from the taxpayer public subsidies for national resource development ; majority staff report / 1994
The good neighbor guidebook for Colorado : necessary information and good advice for living in and enjoying today's Colorado / 2000
The impact of public policy on environmental quality and health : the case of land use managemnet and planning / 1999
Transforming California : a political history of land use and development / 1999
Turning the tide : saving the Chesapeake Bay / 2003
Turning the tide : saving the Chesapeake Bay / 1991
U.S. land and natural resources policy : history, debates, State data, maps, primary documents / 2012
Urban and regional conflict resolution in water related issues proceedings of the symposium sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE Convention, Orlando, Florida, October 21-22, 1991 / 1991
Western land use trends and policy : implications for water resources : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1997

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