Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Land management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abstracts of selected precious metal mines' permits / 1991
Accomplishment Plan Region VIII of Federal Facilities Compliance with Standards 1972
Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico). 2000
Analysis of the management situation (AMS) for the Upper Deschutes resource management plan and environmental impact statement (RMP/EIS) 2001
Approach to Assessment of Management Impacts on Agricultural Soil Carbon. 1992
Bear-Paw Regional Greenways Natural Resources Inventory Mapping and Land Protection Assistance. Final Report. 2003
Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. 1996
BLM in Wyoming : a report to the public / 1978
Bureau of Land Management : plan needed to sustain progress in establishing IT investment management capabilities : report to the Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 2003
Case studies and comparative analyses of issues associated with productive land use at dredged material disposal sites / 1977
Characteristics of successful riparian restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Combined treatment of liquid wastes from industrial swine farms using BLWRS 1983
Determination of Optimal Toxicant Loading for Biological Closure of a Hazardous Waste Site. 1989
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Routt National Forest 1996
Ecoregions of the Pacific Northwest / 1986
Environmental evaluation, Boise District, Bureau of Land Management / 1973
Environmental Evaluation, Boise District, Bureau of Land Management. 1973
Environmental Impact Statement, National Forest System Land Management Planning 2008
Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Disposal and Land Reclamation in Fulton County, Illinois. 1981
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : EMAP - Arid Colorado plateau pilot study - 1992 : implementation plan : project summary / 1993
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Intermountain Region Guide 1984
Final environmental impact statement wilderness recommendations for Caliente Resource Area, Nevada / 1988
Final report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel / 1996
Final wilderness environmental impact statement for the Elko Resource Area, Nevada 1987
Forest health monitoring : 1992 activities plan. 1993
Future Context of Sustainable Agriculture: Planning for Uncertainty. 1992
Golden patents, empty pockets : a 19th century law gives miners billions, the public pennies / 1994
Grazing fees : BLM's allocation of revenues to Montana appears accurate : report to the Honorable Max Baucus, U.S. Senate / 1992
Greenhouse Gases Phase 3 - Carbon Storage Quantification and Methodology Demonstration. Final Report. 2001
Ground-water hydrology of the central Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico / 1989
Groundwater resources of the Columbia Plateau regional aquifer system. 2015
Guidance for federal land management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed [electronic resource]. 2010
Guidance specifying management measures for sources of nonpoint pollution in coastal waters : issued under the authority of Section 6217(g) of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990. 1993
Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area: draft resource management plan and environmental impact statement 2003
Impact of Non-Point Pollution Control on Western Lake Superior. Red Clay Project-Work Plan. 1976
Integrated public lands management : principles and applications to national forests, parks, wildlife refuges, and BLM lands / 2002
Integrating sustainable agriculture, ecology, and environmental policy : proceedings of a workshop July 22-23, 1991, Arlington, Virginia / 1992
Land and Resource Management Plan, 1997 Revision, Routt National Forest 1997
Land application of wastewater under high altitude conditions / 1978
Land cover trends : rates, causes, and consequences of late-twentieth century U.S. land cover change / 1999
Land manager's guide to water quality monitoring. 1991
Land Treatment Field Studies. Volume 1. Petroleum Wastewater Pond Bottoms. 1983
Land treatment field studies. volume 4, Secondary wastewater treatment plant sludge from a synthetic manufacuring plant. / 1983
Land Treatment Field Studies. Volume 5. Wastewater Treatment Sludge from Batch Organic Chemical Synthesis. 1983
Land treatment field studies. volume 6, Inorganic pickling liquor waste / 1983
Land treatment field studies: leather tannery sludges. {MICROFICHE} / 1983
Land treatment field studies: oily waste from a petroleum refinery. {MICROFICHE}/ 1983
Land Use Activities and Western Lake Superior Water Quality. 1990
Land Use Report 1972
Mineral resources : Interior's actions on three coal leases : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives 1987
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