Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lakes Research)

Select Item Title Year Published
1976 directory of Great Lakes research and related activities 1976
36th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research : June 4-10, 1993 / 1993
38th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research 1995
39th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research May 26-30, 1996 / 1996
40th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, June 1-5, 1997 : program & abstracts / 1997
41st Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 18-22, 1998 1998
A prospectus for investigations of the Great Lakes Fishery. 1964
Abstracts. 0
Annual report to the International Joint Commission / 1975
Directory and project forecasts : the Great Lakes / 1969
Ecosystem approach to the integrity of the Great Lakes in turbulent times 1990
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) : Great Lakes monitoring and research strategy / 1992
Exploration of antarctic subglacial aquatic environments : environmental and scientific stewardship / 2007
Extramural Research Sponsored by the Grosse Ile Laboratory. 1974
General information on program and organization of the Great Lakes Research Division. 1973
Great Lakes - St. Lawrence research inventory, 1990/1991 / 1992
Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center biennial report. 0
Great Lakes experts directory. 1983
Great Lakes ice. 1980
Great Lakes Research Division : current program. 1975
Great Lakes research project forecasts directory, 1973 / 1973
Great Lakes science : making it relevant : {program and abstracts from the 44th conference on Great Lakes Research}, June 10-14, 2001, University of Wisconsin- Green Bay, Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute. 2001
Grosse Ile Laboratory Quarterly Research Report Ending December 1973. 1973
International Association for Great Lakes Research : Abstracts from the 45th conference on Greal Lakes research, June 2-6, 2002, ...and other great lakes. / 2002
Overview of title III program activities in the Great Lakes basin states relationship of state title III programs to other state programs and the regional planning activities of the Great Lakes Basin Commission / 1980
Proceedings - Conference on Great Lakes Research. 1953
Programs report, Great Lakes basin, FV 77-81 : a reference of on-going water resource-related programs and projects in the Great Lakes Basin 1982
Semi-annual report / 1973
Technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 1975
The 42nd conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research : Great Lakes, great science, great cities, May 24-28, 1999 : hosted by Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 1999
U.S. IFYGL shipboard data acquisition system. -- 1974
Water quality planning activities in the U.S. Great Lakes Basin : a review of state and area wide agency five year strategies and work programs / 1980
Water temperature characteristics of lakes subjected to climate change / 1992
Water temperature characteristics of lakes subjected to climate change / 1992

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