Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lake sediments Great Lakes North America)

Select Item Title Year Published
A short course on collection, analysis, and interpretation of sediment quality data : applications of sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and various companion tools : November 3 and 4, 1998, Lake Michigan Room - Metcalfe Building, Great Lakes National Program Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1998
Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program : quality assurance program plan : project summary / 1994
Baseline assessment of human health risks resulting from PCB contamination at the Sheboygan River, Wisconsin, area of concern / 1993
Baseline human health risk assessment : Ashtabula River, Ohio, area of concern / 1992
Baseline human health risk assessment : Saginaw River, Michigan, area of concern / 1992
Biological and chemical assessment of contaminated Great Lakes sediment / 1993
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : report of a workshop, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 17-19, 1990 / 1991
Cleaning up contaminated sediment : a citizens' guide / 1995
Combined remote sensing and mathematical modeling of sediment transport and thermal structure in the Great Lakes / 1978
Contaminated sediment removal program / 1994
Contaminated Sediment Workshop : sediment enforcement/remediation training ; participants workbook (overheads and other course materials) 1992
Evaluation of proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dredged material bioassays using Great Lakes sediments / 1994
Evaluation of sediment bioassessment techniques / 1986
Great Lakes Contaminated Sediment Strategy Workshop : proceedings, June 13-14, 1995, Chicago, Illinois. 1995
Hazard ranking of contaminated sediments based on chemical analysis, laboratory toxicity tests, and benthic community structure : method of prioritizing sites for remedial action / 1994
Hazard ranking of contaminated sediments based on chemical analysis, laboratory toxicity tests, and benthic community structure : method of prioritizing sites for remedial action / 1994
Moving mud : remediating Great Lakes contaminated sediments : a report on the Sediment Assessment and Remediation Program in the Great Lakes Basin / 1997
Options for the remediation of contaminated sediments in the Great Lakes / 1988
Prediction of sediment toxicity using consensus-based freshwater sediment quality guidelines / 2000
Procedures for the assessment of contaminated sediment problems in the Great Lakes / 1988
Proceedings of the Mass Balance Workshop, Kempenfelt Conference Centre, Barrie, Ontario, March 7-9, 1990 : a report to the Surveillance Subcommittee by the Mass Balance Workshop Steering Committee / 1991
Proceedings of the Workshop on In Vitro Assessment of Contaminated Sediments for Potential Carcinogenicity : January 17-19, 1989, Duluth, Minnesota / 1989
Properties of fine particles which govern their biological activity : two year report, task I / 1983
Six basic questions & answers concerning the Great Lakes and contaminated sediments / 1992
U.S. EPA - Region 5 Great Lakes dredging handbook / 1989
Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Treatment of Contaminated Sediments : June 13-14, 1990 : summary report / 1991
Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Treatment of Contaminated Sediments : June 13-14, 1990 : summary report / 1990

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