Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lake sediments)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Summary of contaminated sediment activities within the United States Great Lakes areas of concern. 1994
Accumulation of PCBs in surficial Lake Superior sediments : atmospheric deposition / 1979
An SAB report : review of rationale for development of ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for TCDD (dioxin) / 1992
An SAB report : review of sediment criteria development methodology for non-ionic organic contaminants / 1992
An SAB report : review of the process and rationale for developing ecological risk assessment guidelines / 1992
Analysis of bottom sediment to estimate nonpoint-source phosphorus loads for 1981-96 in Hillsdale Lake, northeast Kansas 1997
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : bench-scale evaluation of RCC's Basic Extractive Sludge Treatment (B.E.S.T.) process on contaminated sediments from the Buffalo, Saginaw, and Grand Calumet Rivers / 1994
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : bench-scale evaluation of Soil Tech's anaerobic thermal process technology on contaminated sediments from the Buffalo, Saginaw, and Grand Calumet Rivers / 1994
Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program : quality assurance program plan : project summary / 1994
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : remediation guidance document. 1994
Assessment guidance document : final / 1994
Assessment of sediments in the Saginaw River area of concern / 1995
Baseline assessment of human health risks resulting from PCB contamination at the Sheboygan River, Wisconsin, area of concern / 1993
Baseline human health risk assessment : Ashtabula River, Ohio, area of concern / 1992
Baseline human health risk assessment : Saginaw River, Michigan, area of concern / 1992
Baseline study of the water quality, sediments, and biota of Lake Union, 1977
Behavior of mercury, chromium, and cadmium in aquatic systems / 1977
Bench-scale evaluation of Zimpro's wet air oxidation process on contaminated sediments from the Grand Calumet River / 1994
Bioaccumulation testing and interpretation for the purpose of sediment quality assessment : status and needs / 2000
Biological and chemical assessment of contaminated Great Lakes sediment / 1993
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : report of a workshop, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 17-19, 1990 / 1991
Calculation and evaluation of sediment effect concentrations for the amphipod Hyalella azteca and the midge Chironomus riparius / 1996
Characterization of bottom sediments and selected nitrogen and phosphorus sources in Lake Apopka, Florida / 1969
Characterization of lake sediments and evaluation of sediment-water nutrient interchange mechanisms in the Upper Klamath Lake system : Lake Sediments / 1971
Chemical composition of surficial sediment in Geneva Lake, Wisconsin. 2000
Chemical effects of red clays on Western Lake Superior / 1979
Chemical effects of red clays on western Lake Superior : final report / 1975
Clean lakes, clean sediments : a citizens' guide & common sense action plan / 1995
Cleaning up contaminated sediment : a citizens' guide / 1995
Combined remote sensing and mathematical modeling of sediment transport and thermal structure in the Great Lakes / 1978
Contaminated sediment removal program / 1994
Contaminated Sediment Workshop : sediment enforcement/remediation training ; participants workbook (overheads and other course materials) 1992
CRC handbook of techniques for aquatic sediments sampling / 1991
Detection of genotoxins in contaminated sediments : an evaluation of a new test for complex environmental mixtures / 1995
Effects of temperature and redox conditions on degradation of chlorinated phenols in freshwater sediments / 1989
Evaluation of Lake Michigan nearshore sediments for nourishment of Illinois beaches 1981
Evaluation of Potential Confounding Factors in Sediment Toxicity Tests with Three Freshwater Benthic Invertebrates. 1994
Evaluation of proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dredged material bioassays using Great Lakes sediments / 1994
Evaluation of sediment bioassessment techniques / 1986
Executive summary to survey of sediment quality in the Duluth/Superior harbor : 1993 sampling results / 1997
Extraction and analysis of organochlorine insecticides from lake sediments 1971
Field studies on sediment-water algal nutrient interchange processes and water quality of Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes : July 1967-March 1969 / 1969
Geochemical data on concentrations of inorganic constituents and polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in streambed sediments in tributaries to Lake Champlain in New York, Vermont, and Quebec, 1992 1994
Geophysical determination and computer modelling of ground water flow through lake sediments, Lake St. Clair, Michigan/Ontario / 1987
Great Lakes Contaminated Sediment Strategy Workshop : proceedings, June 13-14, 1995, Chicago, Illinois. 1995
Guidance for in-situ subaqueous capping of contaminated sediments / 1996
Guidance for in-situ subaqueous capping of contaminated sediments. 1998
Guide to pollution prevention in remedial action plans 1993
Guidelines for the pollutional classification of Great Lakes harbor sediments. 1977
Handbook of techniques for aquatic sediments sampling 1994
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