Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lagrange equations)

Select Item Title Year Published
Applied contaminant transport modeling / 2002
Applied contaminant transport modeling : theory and practice / 1995
Description of the HYSPLIT4 modeling system / 1997
Evaluation of the Lagrangian scheme for sampling the Mississippi River during 1987-90 / 1993
Hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectories (HY-SPLIT) : model description / 1988
Hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectories (HY-SPLIT) : version 3.0 -- user's guide and model description / 1992
HYSPLIT4 users's guide / 1999
Lagrangian fluid dynamics 2006
National acid precipitation assessment program emission inventory allocation factors / 1985
New lagrangian method for the shallow water equations 1982
Particle-in-Cell Method for Numerical Solution of the Atmospheric Diffusion Equation, and Applications to Air Pollution Problems. Volume I. 1971
Smog chamber validation using Lagrangian atmospheric data / 1979

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