Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
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Select Item Title Year Published
Behavioral Alterations Due to Diesel Exhaust Exposure. 1981
Behavioral and Autonomic Thermoregulation in Mice Exposed to Microwave Radiation. 1983
Behavioral and Pharmacological Responses Following Acrylamide Exposure in Rats. 1981
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Chronic 2,450-MHz Microwave Irradiation of the Rat at 0.5 mW/cm sq. 1986
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of the Cholinesterase Inhibitor Carbaryl (1-Naphthyl Methylcarbamate). 1972
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of the Cholinesterase Inhibitor Carbaryl (1-Naphthyl Methylcarbamate). 1972
Behavioral Development Following Daily Episodes of Mother-Infant Separation in the Rat. 1992
Behavioral effects of microwaves : relationship of total dose and dose rate / 1988
Behavioral Effects of Moderate Lead Exposure in Children and Animal Models. Part 1: Clinical Studies. 1980
Behavioral Effects of Moderate Lead Exposure in Children and Animal Models. Part 2: Animal Studies. 1980
Behavioral Evaluation of the Irritating Properties of Ozone. 1985
Behavioral Toxicity of Acute and Subacute Exposure to Triethyltin in the Rat. 1981
Behavioral Toxicity of Chloral in Mice: An Approach to Evaluation. 1984
Behavioral Toxicity of Trialkyltin Compounds: A Review. 1983
Behavioral Toxicity of Trihalomethane Contaminants of Drinking Water in Mice. 1982
Behavioral toxicology : an emerging discipline : proceedings of the Southwest Psychological Association annual meeting, April 30, 1976, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1977
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Non-U.S. Coals for NOx Formation Under Excess Air and Staged Combustion Conditions. 1983
Benomyl : position document 2/3. 1979
Benomyl-Induced Craniocerebral Anomalies in Fetuses of Adequately Nourished and Protein-Deprived Rats. 1987
Benzidine : ambient water quality criteria / 1978
BHC (Benzene hexachloride): Position Document 1. 1976
Bibliography of the cat / 1976
Bibliography of the cat, 1974
Biennial report / 1954
Biliary Excretion and Tissue Distribution of Cadmium-109 Administered to Rats. 1980
Binding of 1-Nitro(14C) Pyrene to DNA and Protein in Cultured Lung Macrophages and Respiratory Tissues. 1983
Binding of Chloroform to the Cysteine of Hemoglobin. 1984
Binding of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Classified as Either Phenobarbitone-, 3-Methylcholanthrene- or Mixed-Type Inducers to Cytosolic Ah Receptor. 1982
Bioassay of P-phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride for Possible Carcinogenicity. 2000
Bioassay procedures for the ocean disposal permit program / 1978
Bioaugmentation with Burkholderia cepacia PR1301 for in situ bioremediation of trichloroethylene contaminated water / 1998
Bioavailability, Bioaccumulation and Elimination of 1,2,4-Trimethybenzene in the Rat with Cover Letter. 1983
Biochemical and Functional Alterations in Renal and Cardiac Development Resulting from Neonatal Methylmercury Treatment. 1985
Biochemical and Morphological Validation of a Rodent Model of OPIDN. 1988
Biochemical and Neuropathological Assessment of Triphenyl Phosphite in Rats. 1986
Biochemical Effects in the Rabbit of Repeated Administration of a Mixture of DDT, Carbaryl, and Parathion. 1970
Biochemical Effects in the Rabbit of Repeated Administration of DDT, Carbaryl, and Parathion. 1969
Biochemical Effects of DDT and DDE in Rat and Mouse Liver (Journal Version). 1988
Biochemical Effects of Repeated Administration of p,p'-DDT on the Squirrel Monkey. 1970
Bioconcentration of Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane in Rainbow Trout with Cover Letter dated 04/20/94. 1994
Biodegradation and treatability of specific pollutants / 1979
Biodegradation studies of carboxymethyl tartronate / 1978
Biohazards in biological research; proceedings. 1973
Biological and Chemical Studies on 3-Chloro-4(Dichloromethyl)-5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanone: A Potent Mutagen in Kraft Pulp Chlorination Effluent and Chlorinated Drinking Water. 1988
Biological assessment and ecological risk assessment : new tools for cleanup decisions at hazardous waste / 1988
Biological Assessment of Continuous Exposure to Tritium and Lead in the Rat. 1976
Biological Degradation and Volatilization of Silanols from Soil with Cover Letter dated 04/20/94. 1994
Biological Effects of Long-Term Exposure of Rats to 970-MHz Radiofrequency Radiation. 1981
Biological Effects of Nitrogen Oxides - A Summary of Animal Exposure Experiments - (Chisso Sankabutsu no Seitai Eikyo - Dobutsu Bakuro Jikken -). 1973
Biological Effects of Short Term, High Concentration Exposure to Methyl Isocyanate (In Vitro and In Vivo Complement Activation Studies) with Cover Letter 12/15/86. 1986
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