Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Laboratory animals Fetuses)

Select Item Title Year Published
14-C-Naphthyl, 14-C-Methyl and 14-C-Carbonyl Carbaryl Distribution in the Pregnant Mouse and Rat. 1983
Electrocardiographic Responses of Rat Fetuses with Clamped or Intact Umbilical Cords to Acute Maternal Uterine Ischemia. 1983
Initial Submission: TSCA Health and Safety Study Cover Sheet with Continuation Sheet Summarizing Pilot Study on Developmental Toxicity in Rats after Oral Administration of PLT 2930, dated 10/05/99. 1999
Recommended guideline for teratogenicity studies in the rat, mouse, hamster, or rabbit 1981

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