Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Krebs Medizin)

Select Item Title Year Published
Apoptosis and cancer : methods and protocols / 2008
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology / 1997
Atlas of cancer mortality in Central Europe / 1996
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention / 2001
Cancer gene therapy : past achievements and future challenges / 2000
Cancer prevention research 2008
Cancer, principles & practice of oncology / 2005
Epidemiology of childhood cancer / 1999
Epigenetics in cancer prevention : early detection and risk assessment / 2003
Immunology, aging, and cancer : medical aspects of mutation and selection / 1976
Living downstream : a scientist's personal investigation of cancer and the environment / 1998
Normal and neoplastic blood cells : from genes to therapy / 1987
Prognostic factors in cancer / 2001
Quality of life in American neighborhoods : levels of affluence, toxic waste, and cancer mortality in residential Zip code areas / 1986
Stochastic models of tumor latency and their biostatistical applications / 1996
The applications of bioinformatics in cancer detection / 2004
The secret history of the war on cancer / 2007

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