Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Kongrec)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic pollutants and biologic effects, with emphasis on neoplasia / 1977
Arsenic : exposure and health effects / 1997
Autoimmunity : experimental and clinical aspects / 1986
Computer simulation of chemical and biomolecular systems / 1986
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment : municipal, industrial, and agricultural / 1989
Contributions to hemostasis / 1981
Copolymers, polyblends, and composites : a symposium / 1975
Degradation of synthetic organic molecules in the biosphere : natural, pesticidal, and various other man-made compounds : proceedings of a conference, San Francisco, California, June 12-13, 1971. 1972
Ecological risk assessment of contaminated sediments : proceedings of the Pellston Workshop on Sediment Ecological Risk Assessment, 23-28 April 1995, Pacific Grove, California / 1997
Efficient use of energy : (the APS studies on the technical aspects of the more efficient use of energy) / 1975
Energy sources : conservation and renewables (APS, Washington, DC, 1985 / 1985
Green chemistry : designing chemistry for the environment / 1996
Hydraulic conductivity and waste contaminant transport in soil / 1994
Integrating insurance and risk management for hazardous wastes / 1990
Introduction to analytical electron microscopy / 1979
Managing hazardous air pollutants : state of the art / 1993
Mathematical modelling in biology and ecology : proceedings of a symposium held at the CSIR, Pretoria, July 1979 / 1980
Metal speciation and contamination of soil / 1995
Modern techniques in soil ecology : proceedings of the International Workshop on Modern Techniques in Soil Ecology Relevant to Organic Matter Breakdown, Nutrient Cycling, and Soil Biological Processes, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, U.S.A., 11-15 September 1989 / 1991
Nitrogen in crop production : proceedings of a symposium held 25-27 May 1982 at Sheffield, Alabama / 1984
Origins and evolution of eukaryotic intracellular organelles / 1981
Pollution: engineering and scientific solutions; proceedings of the first international meeting of the Society of Engineering Science held in Tel Aviv, Israel, June 12-17, 1972. 1973
Pyrethrum flowers : production, chemistry, toxicology, and uses / 1995
Relaxin--structure, function, and evolution / 1982
Reproduction : a behavioral and neuroendocrine perspective / 1986
Restoration of temperate wetlands / 1995
Seventh International Conference on Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders / 1976
Silent spring revisited / 1987
Thermodynamics in geology : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Oxford, England, September 17-27, 1976 / 1977
Transport policy and the environment : ECMT ministerial session / 1990
Ultrafine particles. 1963
Vehicle electronics meeting society's needs : energy, environment, safety : proceedings of the 1992 International Congress on Transportation Electronics. 1992
Victorian science and Victorian values : literary perspectives / 1981
Wetland management : proceedings of the international conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 2-3 June 1994 / 1994

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