Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Klimaänderung DE 588 4164199 1)

Select Item Title Year Published
A dictionary of climate change and the environment : economics, science, and policy / 2012
A perfect moral storm : the ethical tragedy of climate change / 2011
A vast machine : computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming / 2010
Atmospheric chemistry and physics : from air pollution to climate change / 2006
Cars and climate change. 1993
Climate : into the 21st century / 2003
Climate change 2001 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability : contribution of Working Group II to the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 2001
Climate change 2007 : mitigation of climate change : contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / 2007
Climate change : designing a practical tax system. 1992
Climate change : designing a tradeable permit system. 1992
Climate change : the IPCC response strategies / 1991
Climate change : the IPCC scientific assessment / 1990
Climate change and biodiversity / 2005
Climate change and forests : emerging policy and market opportunities / 2008
Climate change and its biological consequences / 1993
Climate change and the course of global history : a rough journey / 2014
Climate change and U.S. water resources / 1990
Climate change, the indoor environment, and health / 2011
Convention on climate change : economic aspects of negotiations. 1992
Cool it : the skeptical environmentalist's guide to global warming / 2007
Detecting and modelling regional climate change / 2001
Dire predictions : understanding global warming / 2008
Earth under fire : how global warming is changing the world / 2007
Environmental change, climate, and health : issues and research methods / 2002
Fierce climate, sacred ground : an ethnography of climate change in Shishmaref, Alaska / 2015
Floods, droughts, and climate change / 2002
Frozen earth : the once and future story of ice ages / 2004
Geosphere-biosphere interactions and climate / 2001
Global change and Arctic terrestrial ecosystems / 1997
Global warming : the complete briefing / 2004
Global warming and biological diversity / 1992
Interdisciplinarity and climate change : transforming knowledge and practice for our global future / 2010
Managing the global commons : the economics of climate change / 1994
Ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, and climate change : proceedings of a joint symposium by the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate and the Committee on Global Change, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council. 1989
Principles of environmental physics / 2008
Prospects for future climate : a special US/USSR report on climate and climate change / 1990
Soils on a warmer earth : effects of expected climate change on soil processes, with emphasis on the tropics and sub-tropics / 1990
The collapse of Western civilization : a view from the future / 2014
The economics of climate change : the Stern review / 2007
The regional impacts of climate change : an assessment of vulnerability / 1998
This changes everything : capitalism vs. the climate / 2014
Tropical forests in transition : ecology of natural and anthropogenic disturbance processes / 1992
Under a green sky : global warming, the mass extinctions of the past, and what they can tell us about our future / 2007
Unstoppable global warming : every 1,500 years / 2007
Vegetation dynamics & global change / 1993

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