Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Kanker)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in cancer research. 1953
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology / 1997
Atlas of cancer mortality in Central Europe / 1996
Atlas of cancer mortality in the European Economic Community / 1992
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention / 2001
Cancer medicine 2000
Cancer research. 1941
Cancer. 1948
Epidemiology of childhood cancer / 1999
Epigenetics in cancer prevention : early detection and risk assessment / 2003
Oncogenesis and natural immunity in Syrian hamsters / 1979
Prognostic factors in cancer / 2001
Risk assessment in the federal government : managing the process / 1983
The identification and control of environmental and occupational diseases : asbestos and cancers / 1994

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