Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Irrigation Mathematical models)

Select Item Title Year Published
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
Chemical and microbiological impact of sewage sludge on soil systems : final technical completion report 1980
Computer Simulation of the Hydrologic and Salinity Flow Systems within the Bear River Basin. 1973
Evaluating Economic Impacts of Programs for Control of Saline Irrigation Return Flows: A Case Study of the Grand Valley, Colorado. 1976
Increasing water use efficiency through improved orifice design and operational procedures for subirrigation systems : research project completion report / 1975
Modeling wastewater renovation land treatment / 1981
Nitrates in Groundwater Resulting from Manure Applications to Irrigated Croplands. 1982
Prediction of mineral quality of irrigation return flow / 1977
Simulation modeling of thermal effluent in an irrigation system / 1970
Wastewater treatment in soil as a function of residence time in the root zone 1983

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