Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ion channels)

Select Item Title Year Published
1997 receptor & ion channel nomenclature supplement. 1997
Cholesterol regulation of ion channels and receptors / 2012
Integrins and ion channels : molecular complexes and signaling / 2010
Ion transport in prokaryotes 1987
Membrane transport driven by ion gradients / 1985
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of alcohol and anesthetics 1991
Molecular basis of ion channels and receptors involved in nerve excitation, synaptic transmission and muscle contraction : in memory of Professor Shosaku Numa / 1993
Multiple Power-Density Windows and Their Possible Origin. 1989
Phosphoproteins in neuronal function : proceedings of the second international workshop at the State University of Utrecht, September 1985 / 1986
Toxins as tools in neurochemistry : proceedings of the symposium, Berlin (West), March 22-24, 1983 1983

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