Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Giardia' Prevalence in Commercially Trapped Mammals. 1980
'In Considerable Variety': Introducing the Diversity of Australia's Insects [electronic resource] / 2011
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
A database of historical benthic invertebrate biodiversity spanning 182 years in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island and Massachusetts) / 2018
A guide to common freshwater invertebrates of North America / 2002
A guide to freshwater ecology / 1993
A guide to freshwater invertebrate animals / 1959
A guide to marine coastal plankton and marine invertebrate larvae / 1996
A guide to the Naididae (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) of North America / 1980
A life of invertebrates / 1979
A manual for the study of meiofauna / 1971
A manual of the common invertebrate animals : (exclusive of insects) / 1935
A manual of the common invertebrate animals : exclusive of insects / 1935
A Manual on methods for the assessment of secondary productivity in fresh waters / 1971
A new multiple sieve design for screening bottom samples, 1969
A preliminary checklist of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of New England, including New York State / 1986
A review of aquatic habitat assessment methods / 1982
A Review of interpretation methods for freshwater benthic invertebrate survey data used by selected state and federal agencies / 1991
A review of some of the effects of reduced dissolved oxygen on the fish and invertebrate resources of Ward Cove, Alaska / 2003
A taxonomic listing of soft bottom macro- and megainvertebrates from infaunal & epibenthic monitoring programs in the Southern California Bight / 1998
A Taxonomic listing of soft bottom macro- and megainvertebrates from infaunal & epibenthic monitoring programs in the Southern California Bight / 1996
A Taxonomic listing of soft bottom macroinvertebrates from infaunal monitoring programs in the Southern California Bight / 1994
A temporal and spatial study of invertebrate communities associated with hard-bottom habitats in the South Atlantic Bight / 1984
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Accumulation and Depuration of No. 2 Fuel Oil by the Soft Shell Clam, 'Mya arenaria L.' 1976
Acidic Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies. 1990
Acidification Effects on Macroinvertebrates and Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas') in Outdoor Experimental Channels. 1981
Acute and Chronic Effects of Diflubenzuron (Dimilin) on Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates. 1983
Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria-Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species (Journal Version). 1986
Acute and chronic parathion toxicity to fish and invertebrates / 1981
Acute and Chronic Parathion Toxicity to Fish and Invertebrates. 1976
Acute and chronic toxicity of chlordane to fish and invertebrates / 1977
Acute and chronic toxicity of chlordane to fish and invertebrates / 1977
Acute and chronic toxicity of HCN to fish and invertebrates / 1979
Acute toxicity handbook of chemicals to estuarine organisms / 1987
Acute Toxicity of 1,3-dichloropropane to Rainbow Trout and Daphnia Magna with Cover Letter dated 042586. 1986
Acute Toxicity of 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol to Daphnia Magna with Cover Letter dated 032687. 1987
Acute Toxicity of 4,4'-Methylenedianiline (MDA) to Aquatic Invertebrates. 2008
Acute Toxicity of Acrylamide to Mysid Shrimp (mysidopsis Bahia) a Toxicity Test Report with Cover Letter. 1986
Acute Toxicity of Biphenyl to Daphnia Magna. 1982
Acute Toxicity of Parachlorobenzotrifluoride to the Water Flea Daphnia Magna Straus. 2000
Acute Toxicity of Silver to Selected Fish and Invertebrates. 1982
Acute Toxicity Tests of Water Soluble Fractions and Water Accomodated Fractions of Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids with Magna under Static Exposures, with Cover Letter dated 01/14/1998. 1998
Advances in invertebrate reproduction : proceedings of the second international symposium of the International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction (ISIR) held in Davis, California on August 27-31, 1979 1981
Amphipacifica. 1994
An annotated checklist of marine invertebrates in the cold temperate northeast Pacific / 1985
An annotated checklist of the marine macroinvertebrates of Alaska / 2016
An assessment of sediments from the Upper Mississippi River : final report - June 1997. 1997
An assessment of the macroinvertebrate communities of the Indian Creek Watershed, Tazewell County, Virginia / 2003
An atlas of the distribution and abundance of dominant benthic invertebrates in the New York Bight Apex with reviews of their life histories / 1983
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