Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=International cooperation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The journey to PICES : scientific cooperation in the North Pacific / 2004
The Kyoto Mechanisms & global climate change : coordination issues and domestic policies / 2000
The PAGES project : proposed implementation plans for research activities / 1992
The Passive use of the frequency spectrum : a CCMS study of the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society / 1996
The State of the Environment. 1973
The sustainable development agenda 1998 : an environmental strategy publication. 1998
The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystems report : a perspective on changing conditions in LMEs of the world's regional seas / 2008
The use of life cycle assessment in environmental labelling programs. 1993
The use of life cycle assessment in environmental labelling programs. 1993
The world's water, 2002-2003 : the biennial report on freshwater resources / 2002
The world's water, 2008-2009 : the biennial report on freshwater resources / 2009
The world's water, volume 7 : the biennial report on freshwater resources / 2012
Toward a sustainable whaling regime 2001
Toward an integrated Arctic observing network / 2006
Toward an understanding of global change : initial priorities for U.S. contributions to the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program / 1988
Towards a law of the atmosphere using concepts from the law of the sea / 1988
Toxic releases from multinational corporations does the public have a right to know? / 1992
Toxic substances in articles : the need for information / 2008
Tradescantia Micronucleus Bioassay: A Collaborative Study on Plant Genotoxicity Bioassays. 1994
Transboundary air pollution in Ontario / 2005
Transboundary air pollution international legal aspects of the co-operation of states / 1986
Transboundary groundwaters the Bellagio Draft Treaty = Aguas subterraneas transfronterizos : Anteproyecto de Tratado "Bellagio" / 1992
Trinational risk assessment guidelines for aquatic alien invasive species : test cases for the snakeheads (channidae) and armored catfishes (Loricaridae) in North American inland waters / 2009
Tuberculosis threat : global response / 2011
Turn down the heat : why a 4 Degrees C warmer world must be avoided / 2012
Twenty-first century ecosystems : managing the living world two centuries after Darwin : report of a symposium / 2011
U.S. EPA's Pollution Prevention RD and D Results: Practical Tools for the Trade. 1993
U.S. Government Accomplishments in Support of the Methane to Markets Partnership. 2006
U.S. Government's Methane to Markets Partnership Accomplishments. Fourth Annual Report. 2009
U.S. Government's Methane to Markets Partnership Accomplishments. Third Annual Report. 2008
U.S. national focal point for United Nations environment program international referral system : speeches at the opening of the U.S. National Focal Point. 1975
U.S.-Mexico Border Environment 2002. Sixth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States. 2003
UNEP profile 1990
United States and Canada: Air Quality Agreement, Progress Report, 2004. 2004
United States and German bilateral agreement on remediation of hazardous waste sites: interim status report, Fall 1993. 1994
United States-Russia environmental management activities. 0
United States/German Bilateral Agreement on Hazardous Waste Site Clean-up Projects. 1995
Unlocking the global warming toolbox : key choices for carbon restriction and sequestration / 2010
Untapped potential : US science and technology cooperation with the Islamic world / 2005
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study / 1988
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study. Volume 1: Executive Summary. 1988
Urban environment in developing countries 1992
USA-USSR working group on the prevention of water pollution from municipal and industrial sources : symposium on physical-mechanical treatment of wastewaters, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 5th and 6th, 1977. 1977
Users guide to hazardous substance data banks available in OECD member countries 1991
Valuing the global environment : actions & investments for a 21st century / 1998
Vanishing borders : protecting the planet in the age of globalization / 2000
Vector control in international health; 1972
Vicia faba Chromosomal Aberration Assay. 1994
Vision 2030 : the resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change : summary and policy implications. 2010
Vision and framework for strategy and planning 2005
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