Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=International agencies)

Select Item Title Year Published
A survey of international intergovernmental organizations : the strategies that they use to abate pollution / 1978
Agreements and working arrangements with other international organizations : supplement no. 1. 1977
Agreements and working arrangements with other international organizations. 1977
America's corporate families and international affiliates. 1983
Encyclopedia of associations. International organizations. 1989
Falling short : the World Bank's role in population and reproductive health / 1997
Foreign representatives in the U.S. yellow book : who's who in the U.S. offices of foreign corporations, foreign nations, the foreign press, and intergovernmental organizations. 1997
Government publications : a guide to bibliographic tools / 1975
Health research strategy for health for all by the year 2000 : report of a subcommittee of the ACHR. 1986
Institutions for the earth : sources of effective international environmental protection / 1993
International government information and country information : a subject guide / 2004
International organizations a dictionary and directory / 1993
International organizations and environmental policy / 1995
Law, institutions, and the global environment papers and analysis of the proceedings. 1972
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation facts and figures. 1989
Resource guide on training and technical assistance activities of international organizations related to the environmentally sound management of chemicals. 1994
The greening of trade law : international trade organizations and environmental issues / 2002
The International year book and statesmen's who's who. 1953
World directory of environmental organizations : a handbook of national and international organizations and programs--governmental and non-governmental--concerned with protecting the earth's resources / 2001

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