Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Interagency cooperation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
An SAB report : review of the multi-agency radiation survey and site investigation manual (MARSSIM) / 1997
Annual Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board (1st), October 1995. A Presidential and Congressional Advisory Committee on U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental and Infrastructure Issues. 1995
Arid ecosystems strategic monitoring plan, 1991. 1991
Catalogue and directory of New England states and regional GIS organizations and activities, and an assessment of their future GIS needs. 1992
Chesapeake Bay basinwide monitoring strategy : from airsheds to living resource populations : workplan for the development of a framework for integrating ongoing, planned, and future monitoring across the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem in support of Bay restoration and protection / 1996
Chesapeake Bay oyster fishery management plan : agreement commitment report revision / 1994
Creating a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that works better and costs less. Phase I report, National performance review. 1993
Criteria for review of hazardous materials emergency plans / 1988
Design seminar handout small wastewater treatment facilities 1979
Environmental Justice 2002 Biennial Report. Constructive Engagement and Collaborative Problem-Solving. 2002
Environmental Justice and Community-Based Health Model Discussion and Recommendations Report. 2001
Environmental Justice Collaborative Model: A Framework to Ensure Local Problem-Solving. 2004
Environmental Management Inventory of Galveston Bay. 1992
Environmental Protection Agency strategic plan : September 2000. 2000
Environmental Technology Initiative : FY1994 - FY1995 projects : removing barriers to innovations that protect public health and the environment. 1997
EPA Practices for Identifying and Inventorying Hazardous Sites Could Assist Similar Department of Interior Efforts. 2005
EPA strategic plan. 1997
EPA's 2008 report on the environment. 2008
EPA/DOE Joint Efforts on Mixed Waste Treatment. 1995
EPA/USACE Payment Process: Direct Cite/Revised Reimbursement Methods. 1990
Fact Sheets on Interagecny Working Group on Federal Wetlands Policy. 1993
Federal Facilities Strategy: An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Federal Work Plan: An Agreement Commitment Report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Field studies to evaluate stand-scale effects of forest management on ecosystem carbon storage / 1995
First Biennial Progress Report of the Agreement of Federal Agencies on Ecosystem Management in the Chesapeake Bay. 1995
Fiscal year 2011-2015 EPA strategic plan : achieving our vision / 2010
Forest health monitoring : 1991 statistical summary / 1994
Green Infrastructure Case Studies: Municipal Policies for Managing Stormwater with Green Infrastructure. 2010
Guidance for coordinating ATSDR health assessment activities with the Superfund remedial process. 1987
Guide to using Chesapeake Bay Program water quality monitoring data. 1993
Guidelines for Overviewing Construction Grant Activities Conducted under the Interagency Agreement with the Corps of Engineers. 1984
Harmonization of QA Procedures for Environmental Data Operations: Development of a National Consensus Standard for Quality Assurance for Environmental Programs. 1991
IMPROVE progress report / 1990
Innovating for better environmental results : a report on EPA progress / 2004
Innovating for better environmental results : a strategy to guide the next generation of innovation at EPA. 2003
Innovative technology evaluation report : radio frequency heating, KAI Technologies, Inc. 1995
Interagency agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in executing P.L. 96-510, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). 1984
Interagency Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data. 2000
Interagency workgroup on air quality modeling (IWAQM) work plan rationale / 1992
Interfacing nonpoint source programs with the conservation reserve : guidance for water quality managers / 1988
Long-Range Research Agenda 1990-1994. 1990
Lost Source Exercise 1997: An Exercise of Radiological Response through Cooperation and Coordination of Local, State and Federal Agency Resources under the National Contingency Plan. 1998
Managing your financial assistance agreement, project officer responsibilities / 2000
Memorandum of agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service regarding enhanced coordination under the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act (66 FR 11202 ; February 22, 2001). 2002
Memorandum of Understanding between DOD and EPA for the Implementation of P.L. 96-510 (CERCLA). 1983
Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Emergency Management Agency and EPA for the Implementation of CERCLA Relocation Activities under P.L. 96.510 (CERCLA) 9295.5.01. 1985
Nonpoint Sources: Agenda for the Future. 1989
Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance : strategic plan. 1993
OPA update : implementation of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. 1994
Partners rebuilding America / Public-private partnerships in wastewater finance. 1993
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