Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Insecticide)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2,4,6-trichlorophenol : Expert evaluation of published research studies on the carcinogenicity and toxicity of selected chemicals / 1978
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
A study of the mechanism of the adsorption of chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine sediments. 1973
Access EPA : major EPA dockets. 1991
Acephate, aldicarb, carbophenothion, DEF, EPN, ethoprop, methyl parathion, and phorate: their acute and chronic toxicity, bioconcentration potential, and persistence as related to marine environments / 1981
Acquisition and chemical analysis of mother's milk for selected toxic substances / 1980
Acute Toxicity Study in Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) with Substituted Nitrogen Containing Heterocycle. 2007
Acute Toxicity Study in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Substituted Nitrogen Containing Heterocycle. 2007
Aerial photographic analysis of the Wright Avenue DDT study area : Richmond, California / 1991
Alpha-cypermethrin 1992
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for DDT, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria for DDT / 1980
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT and its derivatives, DDD and DDE, in marine sediments / 1975
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT in marine sediments / 1975
An evaluation of DDT and dieldrin in Lake Michigan / 1972
An introductory guide to the statutory authorities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1986
An introductory guide to the statutory authorities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1987
An introductory guide to the statutory authorities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1986
Analysis of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE Pesticide Residues by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. 1970
Analysis of the Dynamics of DDT and Its Derivatives, DDD and DDE, in Marine Sediments. 1974
Antimicrobial Products Used to Inactivate Bacillus Anthracis Spores. 2003
Application of pesticides to waters of the United States in compliance with FIFRA : final rule. 2006
Assessment of the carcinogenicity of dicofol (Kelthane{TM}), DDT, DDE, and DDD (TDE) {microform} / 1986
At a Glance : EPA Needs to Comply with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and Improve Its Oversight of Exported Never-Registered Pesticides. 2009
At a Glance : EPA's Oversight of State Pesticide Inspections Needs Improvement to Better Ensure Safeguards for Workers, Public and Environment are Enforced. 2015
At a Glance : Quick Reaction Report: EPA Pesticide Inspections Must Resume in North Dakota to Determine Compliance and Protect Human Health and the Environment. 2015
Banning DDT : how citizen activists in Wisconsin led the way / 2014
Behavior of DDT, kepone, and permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Behavior of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Benomyl/Thiophanate-Methyl Position Document 4. 1982
Bioaccumulation of p,p'-DDE and PCB 1254 by a Flatsigh Bioindicator from Highly Contaminated Marine Sediments of Southern California (Chapter 10). 1993
Bioassays of DDT, TDE, and p, p'-DDE for possible carcinogenicity / 1978
Biochemicals Test Guidelines. OPPTS 880.1100 Product Identity and Composition. 1996
Bioconcentration of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides by aquatic bacteria : dissertation 1971
Biology and Control of Insect and Related Pests of Beef Cattle 1978
Biology and Control of Insect and Related Pests of Horses 1978
Biology and Control of Insect and Related Pests of Sheep 1978
CAM-4, a portable warning device for organophosphate hazardous material spills / 1980
Cardiovascular Effects of o,p'-DDD. 1970
Cardiovascular Effects of o,p'-DDD. 1968
Catalytic Conversion of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals: Catalytic Hydrodechlorination of Polychlorinated Pesticides and Related Substances. 1977
Catalytic hydrodechlorination of polychlorinated pesticides and related substances : an executive summary. 1977
Catalytic Hydrodechlorination of Polychlorinated Pesticides and Related Substances: An Executive Summary. 1977
Cell Death and Inhibition of Population Growth of Marine Unicellular Algae by Pesticides. 1983
CERCLA Compliance with Other Laws Manual: Summary and Part 2. CAA, TSCA, and Other Statutes. 1990
Characterization of Epidemiology Data Relating to Prostate Cancer and Exposure to Atrazine. 2003
Chemical contamination of harbor seal pups in Puget Sound 1991
Chemicals Registered for the First Time as Pesticidal Active Ingredients under FIFRA. 1994
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides in Plasma and Milk of Pregnant and Lactating Women. 1968
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides in Plasma and Milk of Pregnant and Lactating Women. 1968
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