Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Inorganic compounds)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Field Experience with Ambient-Level Flame-Photometric Sulphur Detectors. 1980
Field tests of diffusion samplers for inorganic constituents in wells and at a ground-water discharge zone 2002
Field Tests of Industrial Coal Stoker Fired Boilers for Inorganic Trace Element and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions. 1981
Final best demostrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K046 (vol. 10) {microfiche} 1990
Final guideline document : control of fluoride emissions from existing phosphate fertilizer plants. 1977
Fingerprint analysis of contaminant data : a forensic tool for evaluating environmental contamination / 2004
Fireplace emissions update : new particle size data / 1998
Fish Tissue Contamination in Maine Lakes Data Report. 1995
Fluorine, its compounds, and air pollution : a bibliography with abstracts. 1976
Flushing Pattern of Certain Tidal Streams in Delaware. 1972
Formation of Inorganic Particles during Suspension Heating of Simulated Wastes. 1991
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 1. Chemistry. 1976
Fugitive dust at the Paraho oil shale demonstration retort and mine / 1979
Full-scale demonstration of nitrogen removal by breakpoint chlorination / 1978
Fundamental Studies of Dry Injection of Calcium-Based Sorbents for S02 Control in Utility Boilers. 1988
Future Trends in Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation. 1977
Gaseous, particulate, and sulfur-related emissions from non-catalyst and catalyst equipped vehicles / 1977
Generalized Ground Water Sampling Device Matrix (Journal Version). 1988
Geochemical data on concentrations of inorganic constituents and polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in streambed sediments in tributaries to Lake Champlain in New York, Vermont, and Quebec, 1992 1994
Geosafe Corporation in situ vitrification technology. 1994
Guidance document for the control of water pollution in the photographic processing industry. 1981
Guidance for Methods Development and Methods Validation for the RCRA Program. 2000
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing aluminum or magnesium phosphide as the active ingredient. 1986
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing arsenic acid (non-wood preservative uses) as an active ingredient, chemical code 006801, case number GS-0389, CAS registry number 7778-39-4. 1987
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing arsenic, chronium, and chromated arsenical compounds as the active ingredient. 1988
Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing Boric Acid and Boron Containing Salts as the Active Ingredient. 1985
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing glyphosate as the active ingredient : case number 0178. 1986
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing group II copper compounds as the active ingredient, case number 0649. 1987
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing sodium and calcium hypochlorite salts as the active ingredient. 1986
Handbook for sample collection, preservation, and instrumental techniques 1990
Handbook for special public notification for lead for public drinking water suppliers. 1988
Handbook of dangerous properties of inorganic and organic substances in industrial wastes 1992
Handbook of infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic compounds and organic salts 1997
Handbook of inorganic compounds / 1995
Handbook on toxicity of inorganic compounds 1988
Hazardous material spills and responses for municipalities / 1980
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program Seventh Monthly Report. 1972
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program, Sixth Monthly Report. 1972
Hazardous waste land treatment / 1980
Haze Formation: It's Nature and Origin 1973. 1973
Health Advisories for 'Legionella' and Seven Inorganics. 1987
Health advisories for IOCs and SOCs. 1992
Health Advisories for Legionella and 7 Inorganics (Including Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cyanide, Mercury, Nickel/Nitrite) (RE-ANNOUNCEMENT of PB87-205613 - see notes field for explanation). 1987
Health advisories for other contaminants. 1992
Health advisory for isopropyl methylphosphonic acid (IMPA) / 1992
Health assessment document for inorganic arsenic : final report. 1984
Health Assessment Document for Inorganic Arsenic. External Review Draft. 1983
Health effects assessment for iron (and compounds). 1984
Health effects assessment for manganese (and compounds) / 1984
Health effects assessment for selenium (and compounds). 1984
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