Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Injection wells)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Class IV and V Injection Well Inventory. 1984
Class V / 1995
Class V injection well closure. 1991
Class V injection wells / proposed regulatory requirements as part of a comprehensive management strategy for class V injection wells. 1998
Class V injection wells : EPA announces new regulatory requirements for certain Class V injection wells. 1999
Class V injection wells : EPA proposes to continue with its existing approach for managing Class V injection wells. 2001
Class V injection wells : notice of final determination : EPA will continue with its existing approach for managing Class V injection wells. 2002
Class V injection wells and your drinking water. 1994
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 13: In-situ Fossil Fuel Recovery Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 14: Special Drainage Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 15: Experimental Technology Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 16: Aquifer Remediation Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 17: Electric Power Geothermal Injection Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 18: Geothermal Direct Heat Return Flow Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 19: Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Return Flow Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 20: Salt Water Intrusion Barrier Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 21: Aquifer Recharge and Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 22: Noncontact Cooling Water Wells. 1999
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 23: Subsidence Control Wells. 1999
Compatibility of Subsurface Reservoirs with Injected Liquid Wastes. 1972
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 1. 1974
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 2. 1974
Cost Analysis for the Federal Requirements Under the Underground Injection Contol Program for Carbon Dioxide Geologic Sequestration Wells (Final GS Rule). 2010
Curvilinear Finite Element Model for Simulating Two-Well Tracer Tests and Transport in Stratified Aquifers. 1986
Deep Wells for Industrial Waste Injection in the United States. Summary of Data. 1967
Deep-well injection of liquid waste : a review of existing knowledge and an evaluation of research needs / 1965
Denitrification in nonhomogenous laboratory scale aquifers preliminary model for transport and fate of a single compound / 1990
Design and construction of a unique injection well on Long Island, New York 1966
Design guidelines for conventional pump-and-treat systems / 1997
Detecting water flow behind pipe in injection wells / 1992
Detecting water flow behind pipe in injection wells / 1992
Determination of Pollutional Potential of the Ogallala Aquifer by Salt Water Injection. 1970
Development of a methodology for regional evaluation of confining bed integrity / 1989
Development of guidelines for regulating depths of storm-water wells to minimize ground-water pollution final report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the Shallow Injection Well Initiative Program. 1992
Development of procedures and costs for proper abandonment and plugging of injection wells / 1980
Directory of state and epa shallow injection well control programs. 1991
Disposal Methods: Landfills, Geologic Formations, Chemical Stabilization, and Chemical Treatment. 1986
Disposal of brines produced in renovation of municipal wastewater. 1970
Draft economic analysis for final rule : revisions to the underground injection control regulations for Class V injection wells. 1999
Draft environmental impact statement for southwest Orange County, Florida / 1984
Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Underground Injection Control Program, Proposed Regulations (40 CFR Part 146). 1976
Draft state implementation guidance for the revisions to the underground injection control regulations for Class V injection wells. 2000
Drinking water contamination by shallow injection wells. 1991
Drinking water safeguards are not preventing contamination from injected oil and gas wastes : report to the chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1989
Earthquake Hazard Associated with Deep Well Injection: A Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2014
Effect of Flux and Gravitational Forces on Miscible Displacement in a Thin Homogeneous Bed. 1973
Effect of Formation Dip on the Movement of Fresh Water Stored in Saline Aquifers. 1972
Effect of Storm Runoff Disposal and Other Artificial Recharge to Hawaiian Ghyben-Herzberg Aquifers. 1971
Enforcement of regulations governing ground water contamination from underground injection or disposal of salt water in Kansas and Texas 1985
Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Tiffany Enhanced Coalbed Methane Project 1996
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