Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Infrastructure Economics United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of recent United States Army Corps of Engineers chief's reports and post-authorization change reports : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, April 29, 2014. 2014
America's water infrastructure needs and challenges : federal panel : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, January 17, 2018. 2019
America's water infrastructure needs and challenges : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, January 10, 2018. 2018
Attracting infill development in distressed communities : 30 strategies. 2015
Building a 21st-century infrastructure for America : highways and transit stakeholders' perspectives : hearing before the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, October 11, 2017. 2018
Building back better : the urgent need for investment in America's wastewater infrastructure : remote hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, first session, February 23, 2021. 2021
City green, innovative green infrastructure solutions for downtowns and infill locations. 2016
Clean water financing update. 1990
Costs of infrastructure failure 2002
Costs of sprawl--2000 2002
Financing infrastructure : innovations at the local level / 1987
Fragile foundations : a report on America's public works : final report to the President and the Congress / 1988
Infrastructure. 2007
Measuring and improving infrastructure performance 1995
Midsize facilities : the infrastructure for materials research / 2006
Overview of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers environmental infrastructure (EI) assistance / 2022
Public spending on transportation and water infrastructure. 2010
Rebuilding the foundations : a special report on state and local public works financing and management. 1990
Report to National Council on Public Works Improvement on solid waste 1987
Sewer system infrastructure analysis and rehabilitation : handbook. 1991
The clean water and drinking water infrastructure gap analysis / 2002
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund : how federal infrastructure investment can help communities modernize water infrastructure and address affordability challenges : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, March 7, 2019. 2019
The road taken : the history and future of America's infrastructure / 2016
Toward infrastructure improvement : an agenda for research / 1994
Transportation impact fees and excise taxes : a survey of 16 jurisdictions / 2000
Water finance & management 2016
Water Resources Development Act : legislative and policy proposals to benefit the economy, create jobs, protect public safety and maintain America's water resources infrastructure : hearing before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, November 17, 2010. 2017
Water utility infrastructure management. 2009

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