Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Information networks United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Agenda for access public access to federal information for sustainability through the information superhighway : a report / 1995
Chemical substances information network 1978
Enforcement Document Retrieval System : users' manual / 1987
EPA scientific and technical information network concept and implementation plan 1974
Evolving virtual library II : practical and philosophical perspectives / 1999
Federal libraries and information centers in the United States, 1994 : a report / 1996
FEDLINK services directory for fiscal year ... 0
FEDLINK services for federal agencies. 1995
FLICC competencies for federal librarians / 2011
Guide for acquiring software development services 1993
Information access strategy. 2009
Internet and special librarians use, training, and the future / 1993
Libraries and the Internet/NREN perspectives, issues, and challenges / 1994
NACEPT's review of EPA's Strategy for improving access to environmental information. 2008
National Library Network Program. 1991
National Library Network. 2002
National Library Network. 2003
OCLC Annual Report 1991-199 Accessing new worlds of information. 1992
OCLC annual report 2002/03 / 2003
OCLC annual report 2008/2009 / 2009
OCLC annual report 2009/2010 / 2010
OCLC annual report 2010/2011 : celebrating 40 years of library cooperation / 2011
OCLC annual report 2011/2012 / 2012
OCLC annual report. 1986
Permit Compliance System : executive summary. 1990
Permit Compliance System : public access to PCS data products 1993
Reengineering through information technology : accompanying report of the National Performance Review, Office of the Vice President. 1993
Status report #3 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Status report #4 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Transforming EPA Libraries : creating a national capacity for information management and retrieval. 2004
United States Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters Library. 2003

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