Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 92
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Information Management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
10 minute guide to Microsoft Outlook 98 1998
101 ways to master information overload / 1996
Access EPA / 1992
Access EPA / 1991
Access EPA : clearinghouses and hotlines. 1991
Annual report for 1994 / 1995
Arid ecosystems strategic monitoring plan, 1991. 1991
Assessing EPA's long range information system needs : final report of the long range ADP user requirements task force. 1983
Automated document control register (ADCR) user manual : Draft / 1983
Bibliography on information resources management. 1985
Bomex Bulletin, No. 6. 1970
Citizen volunteers in environmental monitoring : Summary proceedings of the 2d National Workshop. 1989
Clean Air Act confidential business information security manual / 1998
Clean Air Act confidential business information security manual. 2002
Clean Air Act confidential business information security manual. 2003
Common knowledge : how companies thrive by sharing what they know / 2000
Community-based Environmental Protection : OSWER Action Plan. 1995
Data handling support for CERCLIS. 1986
Data Management Strategy for the Tampa Bay National Estuary Program: Recommendations and Implementation Plan. 1992
Database Management Plan for the Oregon Wetland Study. 1997
Delivering timely environmental information to your community : the Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network (BASIN) / 2001
Design considerations for ambient air monitoring at Superfund sites. 1993
Disposition of the Air Force Health Study / 2006
Earth system monitor : a guide to NOAA's data and information services. 1990
EMAP information management plan : 1998-2001 / 1999
EMAP information management plan, 1998-2001 / 1999
EMAP information management strategic plan : 1993-1997. 1994
Ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and stewardship of research data in the digital age / 2009
Enterprise 2.0 : new collaborative tools for your organization's toughest challenges / 2009
Environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) : surface waters monitoring and research strategy, fiscal year 1991 / 1991
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1992 pilot report / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1992 pilot report / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1993 implementation plan, Colorado plateau plot design pilot study / 1993
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : EMAP--Arid Colorado plateau pilot study, 1992 : implementation plan / 1993
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : surface waters implementation plan : northeast pilot lake survey, summer 1991 / 1991
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, EMAP-Surface Waters: A Northeast Lakes Pilot. 1991
EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Availability of Broad-Scale Environmental Data and Opportunities for Use in Environmental Modeling Applications. 1994
Everyone's Buwiness: Working Towards Sustainability Through Environmental Stewardship and Collaboration. 2008
Federal IRM review program, FY 1990 report / 1990
Fourth National Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring Conference : proceedings : putting volunteer information to use : April 10-14, 1994, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon / 1994
FY 88 RCRA implementation plan. 1987
Global biodiversity assessment / 1995
Global Change Research Program, North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) : Pathfinder Project : research plan / 1993
Global Positioning System: Technical Implementation Guidance. Revision 2.0 (July 2006). 2006
Global Positioning Systems technology systems: technical implementation guidelines [MICROFICHE] / 2002
Great river ecosystems field operations manual environmental monitoring and assessment program. {electronic resource} : 2006
Guidance for developing image processing systems in EPA : EPA system design and development guidance : supplement to volumes A & B / 1991
High-performance medical libraries : advances in information management for the virtual era / 1993
If only we knew what we know : the transfer of internal knowledge and best practice / 1998
Index to the monthly hotline reports questions : June 1982 to December 1991. 1992
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