Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industry profiles)

Select Item Title Year Published
Background information document : national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for the friction materials manufacturing industry / 2002
Development Document for Final Action for Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Construction and Development Category. 2004
Development document for proposed effluent guidelines and standards for the construction and development category / 2002
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : miscellaneous organic chemicals (MON) / 2002
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : NESHAP for organic liquids distribution / 2003
Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the meat and poultry products industry / 2002
Economic impact analysis for the brick and structural clay products manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. 2003
Economic impact analysis for the final vegetable oil processing NESHAP : final report. 2001
Economic impact analysis for the proposed clay minerals processing NESHAP. 2001
Economic impact analysis of the clay ceramics manufacturing NESHAP : final rule. 2003
Economic impact analysis of the hydrochloric acid (HCl) production NESHAP : final report / 2003
Economic impact analysis of the leather tanning and finishing operations NESHAP : final rule / 2001
Economic impact analysis of the leather tanning and finishing operations NESHAP. 2000
Economic impact analysis of the refractory product manufacturing NESHAP. 2001
Preliminary data summary for industrial container and drum cleaning industry. 2002
Preliminary industry characterization : wood building products surface coating / 1998
Regulatory impact analysis for the stationary spark ignition new source performance standard (SI NSPS) and new area source NESHAP. 2007
Regulatory impact analysis of the proposed reciprocating internal combustion engines NESHAP 2002
Regulatory impact analysis of the standards of performance for stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines. 2006
Tobacco Products Processing Detailed Study, Final Engineering Report. 2006

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