Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45

Select Item Title Year Published
America, Inc.: who owns and operates the United States 1971
Coastal Washington : a synthesis of information / 1989
Computed waste treatment costs related to Puget Sound pulp mills 1967
Consumer policy in OECD countries. 1983
Corporate environmental, health and safety practices in transition : management system responses to changing public expectations, regulatory requirements and incentives / 1996
Costs of federal regulation draft / 1992
Economic Impact of the Proposed Change in the Hydrocarbon Emission Limitation for Petrochemical Manufacturing Process. 1978
Essentials of public policy for management 1985
Estimates of the benefits and costs from reductions in grass seed field burning. 1997
Federal paperwork : its impact on American businesses : report 1978
Fossil fuels lessons learned in DOE's Clean Coal Technology Program : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1994
Future of business regulation : private action and public demand 1979
Government, technology, and the future of the automobile 1980
History and effect of pulpmill effluent discharges, Bellingham, Washington final report, May 1981 / 1981
History, dispersion and effects of pulpmill effluents on receiving waters : Port Angeles, Washington : final report, January, 1981 / 1981
Impact of state implementation plans on growth in the metropolitan Cincinnati and Louisville areas 1980
Incentives for environmental improvement : an assessment of selected innovative programs in the states and Europe / 1996
Industry incentives for environmental improvement : evaluation of U.S. federal initiatives / 1996
Information priorities final report of the Advisory Committee, Ocean Resources Assessment Program. 1988
Legal issues of emission density zoning / 1978
Legend and legacy : fifty years of defense production at the Hanford site / 1992
Loading the dice : a five-country study of vinyl chloride regulation / 1985
Location decisions regarding Maquiladora / In-Bond Plants operating in Baja California, Mexico, 1987
Mineral resources and the environment, supplementary report reserves and resources of uranium in the United States / 1975
Model state idling law / 2006
Model state idling law. 2006
Plain language guide to the primary aluminum NESHAP : 40 CFR part 63, subpart LL 1999
Political economy of regulation : creating, designing, and removing regulatory forms 1980
Preventing pollution through technical assistance 1990
Proceedings : conference/workshop on recommendations for studies in Washington and Oregon relative to offshore oil and gas development, May 1988. 1989
Proposed Hanford compliance and cleanup program a citizen's guide. 1989
Reducing risks to life : measurement of the benefits 1980
Regulation and its reform / 1982
Risk by choice : regulating health and safety in the workplace / 1983
RMP*Submit(TradeName), Risk Management Plans Submit Software (on CD-ROM). 1999
Safety, health and working conditions in the transfer of technology to the developing countries 1988
State and local influence over offshore oil decisions 1988
Technology for America's economic growth : a new direction to build economic strength / 1993
The politics of deregulation / 1985
The politics of environmental concern 1973
The politics of regulation / 1980
The strategy of social regulation : decision frameworks for policy / 1981
Toward smarter regulation 1994
Waste reduction guidebook for the photofinishing industry : with a summary of Washington dangerous waste regulations / 1990
WHO Commission on Health and Environment : report of the panel on industry. 1992

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