Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industrial safety United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Report to the Secretary of Labor : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Health & Safety Programs for CY 1978. 1979
All about OSHA / 2020
Asbestos/asbestiform research in EPA ORD / 1981
Biotechnology role of institutional biosafety committees : briefing report to the chairman, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, House of Representatives / 1987
Carbon monoxide. 1975
Chemical Safety Audit : Facility X Pacific Town, Washington (February 5 - February 8, 1990). 1990
Chemical safety audit report : W. R. Grace Organic Chemicals Division, Nashua, New Hampshire. 1989
Derechos de los trabajadores / 2019
Development and validation of methods for sampling and analysis of workplace toxic substances 1980
Elements of ergonomics programs : a primer based on workplace evaluations of musculoskeletal disorders / 1997
Engineering control of occupational safety and health hazards recommendations for improving engineering practice, education and research : summary report of the Engineering Control Technology Workshop Technical Panel. 1985
Evaluation of airborne asbestos concentrations before and during an O & M activity : a case study / 1990
Fatal occupational injuries in the United States, 1995-1999 : a chartbook. 2003
General industry digest. 1999
General industry safety and health standards : OSHA 2206 (29 CFR 1910), revised January 1976. 1977
Get your green on : SHEM/EMS training conference / 2007
Hazard communication standard pictogram = Pictograma para la norma sobre la comunicacion de peligros. 2016
Hazardous materials : storage and handling handbook. 1987
Hazchem / 1988
HAZWOPER : S.T.E.P. : introduction to emergency preparedness / 2000
Healthcare hazard control and safety management / 2014
Healthcare hazard control and safety management / 2014
Hot environments. 1976
Industrial lead paint removal handbook 1993
Job to die for : why so many Americans are killed, injured or made ill at work and what to do about it / 2002
Lead. 1975
Learning about risk : consumer and worker responses to hazard information 1987
Managing worker health and safety : an auto refinish shop success story. 2001
Mercury. 1975
National occupational exposure survey : field guidelines. 1988
National occupational hazard survey. 1974
National surveillance network for occupational health. 1900
Nationwide survey of the occupational safety and health workforce. 1978
NIOH and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard : di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) / 1990
NIOSH certified equipment list as of ... 0
NIOSH certified equipment list as of October 1, 1985. 1985
NIOSH current intelligence bulletin reprints- bulletins 31 thru 47. 1986
NIOSH guide to industrial respiratory protection 1987
NIOSH health hazard evaluation report HETA 2002-0038-2870 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 2002
NIOSH health hazard evaluations. 1998
NIOSH recommendations for occupational safety and health : compendium of policy documents and statements. 1992
Nuclear health and safety DOE's progress in implementing its 1985 initiatives : fact sheet for the chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate / 1987
Occupational exposure during the manufacture and formulation of pesticides : criteria for a recommended standard. 1978
Occupational exposure to alkanes (C5-C8). 1977
Occupational exposure to carbaryl. 1976
Occupational exposure to carbon disulfide. 1977
Occupational exposure to chloroprene. 1977
Occupational exposure to ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate : criteria for a recommended standard. 1990
Occupational exposure to inorganic nickel. 1977
Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation in the United States : a comprehensive review for the year 1980 and a summary of trends for the years 1960-1985 / 1985
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