Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industrial relations)

Select Item Title Year Published
'Cost of Cleaning the Environment' Presented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Held at Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California on Friday, March 30, 1972. 1972
Abstracts of the 1971-1974 United States and foreign open literature on noise : task report J6331 / 1976
Abstracts of the 1971-1974 United States and Foreign Open Literature on Noise. Part II. 1976
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
Automobile Emission Control - The Current Status and Development Trends as of March 1976. 1976
Bibliography on the Planning Aspects of Air Pollution Control. Summary and Evaluation. 1964
California administrative code. 1975
Digest, Fiscal Year 1972. State Air Programs. 1972
Economic Assessment of Motorcycle Exhaust Emission Regulations. 1975
Economic Evaluation of a Water-Based Urban Tourist Attraction in San Antonio, Texas. 1973
Economic Impact of the Federal Environmental Program: A Report to the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environmental and Consumer Protection of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. 1974
Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute : chapter 71 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code, as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 5596, the Back Pay Act, as amended / 2008
Green Square Game: An Interactive Exercise for Waste Reduction Training. 1991
Industry, technology, and the environment : competitive challenges and business opportunities : report. 1994
Lake Erie - A Bibliography. 1972
Land Use Inventory Update and Projection Utica-Rome Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA). 1977
Municipal Collective Bargaining Agreements in Large Cities. 1972
New connections, new partnerships Conference proceedings / 1995
Participative leader 1994
Plan for 2013-14 / 2013
Preliminary assessment of the environmental problems associated with vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride (appendices) : report on the activities and findings of the Vinyl Chloride Task Force. 1974
Preliminary assessment of the environmental problems associated with vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride : report on the activities and findings of the Vinyl Chloride Task Force / 1974
Private Sector Reaction to Normal Political Institutional Procedures and Outcomes When Water is an Issue. 1973
Proposed New Portable Air Compressor Regulation: Supplementary Economic Impact Analysis. 1975
Research and Development in Industrial Corporations: Can Advanced Societies Learn to Contain Pollution. 1973
Tualatin River Area (Oregon) Preliminary Estimate of Economic Growth, 1960-2010. 1961
Urbanization Without Modernization. 1970
Whistle blowing : loyalty and dissent in the corporation / 1981
Work naked : eight essential principles for peak performance in the virtual workplace / 2001
Working together : how to become more effective in a multicultural organization / 1989

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