Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industrial microbiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in applied microbiology. Vol. 6 / 1964
Advances in biotechnology 1981
Advances in microbial engineering; proceedings. 1973
Alcoholic beverages / 1977
Applied microbial physiology : a practical approach / 1997
Applied microbiology 1986
Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 1984
Bacteria and the enhancement of oil recovery 1982
Bio-nanoparticles : biosynthesis and sustainable biotechnological implications / 2015
Biology of industrial microorganisms 1985
Biotechnology : a textbook of industrial microbiology 1984
Biotechnology a textbook of industrial microbiology / 1990
Characterization of immobilized biocatalysts 1979
Concentrated culture of microorganisms in dialysis flask and fermentor systems 1962
Developments in biodegradation of hydrocarbons--1. 1978
Developments in industrial microbiology 1992
Developments in industrial microbiology : a publication of the Society for Industrial Microbiology. 1960
Environmental monitoring and biodiagnostics of hazardous contaminants 2001
Fermentation, science and technology with a future invited papers on various aspects of fermentation and biotechnology, honoring professor David Perlman, 1920-1980 / 1980
Genetics and breeding of industrial microorganisms 1984
Immobilisation of ions by bio-sorption 1986
Immobilized microbial systems principles, techniques, and industrial applications / 1988
Industrial aspects of biochemistry and genetics 1985
Industrial microbiology 1977
Industrial microbiology / 1976
Industrial microbiology and the advent of genetic engineering. 1981
Introduction to biotechnology and bioprocesses 1981
Introduction to environmental microbiology / 1974
Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology. 1996
Journal of industrial microbiology. 1986
Manual of industrial microbiology and biotechnology 1986
Manual of industrial microbiology and biotechnology / 1999
Methods in industrial microbiology 1983
Microbial biomass 1979
Microbial biotechnology : progress and trends / 2015
Microbial genetic engineering and enzyme technology 1987
Microbial technology 1979
Microbiological methods for environmental biotechnology 1984
Microbiology applied to biotechnology : proceedings 20 lectures held within sessions 40a and 40b of the XII International Congress of Microbiology, September 3-8, 1978, Munchen, Federal Republic of G ermany. 1979
Modeling and laboratory investigations of microbial transport phenomena in porous media 1991
Molecular industrial mycology systems and applications for filamentous fungi / 1991
Overproduction of microbial metabolites strain improvement and process control strategies / 1986
Patenting of life forms 1982
Prescott & Dunn's industrial microbiology. 1982
Primary products of metabolism 1978
Principles of industrial microbiology, 1966
Proceedings of 1982 International Conference on Microbial Enhancem ent of Oil Recovery, May 16-21, 1982 1983
Proceedings of 1982 International Conference on Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery : May 16-21, 1982, Shangri-La, Afton, Oklahoma / 1983
Progress in industrial microbiology. 1959
Sustainable microbial technologies for valorization of agro-industrial wastes / 2023
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