Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 839
Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industrial hygiene)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Emergency planning and community right-to-know / 1987
Emergency response procedures for control of hazardous substance releases / 1983
Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety 1983
Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. 1998
Engineering control of occupational safety and health hazards recommendations for improving engineering practice, education and research : summary report of the Engineering Control Technology Workshop Technical Panel. 1985
Engineering field reference manual 1982
Environment, safety and health progress assessment of the Rocky Flats Plant / 1993
Environmental Analysis for the Shell Martinez RM-17 Incinerator with Cover Letter dated 03/15/1991. (Sanitized). 1991
Environmental and health monitoring in occupational health : report of a WHO expert committee. 1973
Environmental Chemistry of Chromium. 1994
Environmental hazard assessment of one and two carbon fluorocarbons / 1974
Environmental Protection Agency's Risk Assessment Guidelines. Health Risks of Noncriteria Pollutants. 1987
Environmental Regulations and Technology: The Dry Cleaning Industry. 1981
Environmental, health, and safety portable handbook / 1998
Environmental/Chemical Thesaurus. 1978
Environments in Acid Aerosol Producing Workplaces and Maximum Flow Rate of Workers (San Erozoru Hassei Shokuba no Kankyo to Sagyosha no Saidai Kokyu Ryuryo). 1962
EPA basic health and safety manual for field activities / 1981
EPA Ensures Oversight of Worker Safety and Health at Superfund Incinerator Sites. 1993
EPA/AEERL (Environmental Protection Agency/Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory) Source Testing Program for Coal Gasification Technologies (Kosovo Test Site). 1985
EPA/RTP safety manual. 1980
Epidemiologic investigation of possible health effects related to occupational exposure to terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate 1980
Epidemiological Approach for Determining the Significance of Pathogens in Sewage Sludge. 1985
Epidemiology and Air Pollution. 1985
Epidemiology of Mobile Home Formaldehyde Vapor Concentration and Residents' Health Status Cs806856-01-3 (27). 1984
Ethylene oxide (EtO) evidence of carcinogenicity. 1981
Evaluation of a commercial vacuum system for the removal of asbestos / 1980
Evaluation of a Paint Spray Booth Utilizing Air Recirculation. 1984
Evaluation of a Technique for Sampling Low Concentrations of Organic Vapors in Ambient Air. 1977
Evaluation of Alternative Samplers for Bioaerosols. Phase 1. Physical Sampling Efficiency. 1991
Evaluation of Blood Methemoglobin Levels for Workers Involved in Production of Parachloroaniline (final Report) with Cover Letter dated 042586. 1986
Evaluation of Emission Factors for Formaldehyde from Certain Wood Processing Operations. Final Report, May-August 1989. 1990
Evaluation of emission sources at a waferboard manufacturing plant / 1987
Evaluation of exposure to second-hand toxic substances in the homes of construction workers / 2013
Evaluation of In Vitro Production of the Beta Chemokine, MCP-1, as a Diagnostic Test in diisocyante Asthma, with Cover Letter dated 03/03/1999. 1999
Evaluation of methods for analysis of human fat, skin, nails, hair, blood and urine / 1985
Evaluation of New in-Facepiece Sampling Procedures for Full and Half Facepieces. 1989
Evaluation of occupational hazards from industrial radiation : a survey of selected states / 1976
Evaluation of Paul Bergsoe & Son secondary lead smelter / 1980
Evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1981
Evaluation of Personal Sampling Pumps in Sub-Zero Temperatures. 1977
Evaluation of polurethane foam cartridges for measurement of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in air / 1985
Evaluation of radon sources and phosphate slag in Butte, Montana 1983
Evaluation of Sampling Alternatives for Bioaerosols. Phase 2: Viable Microorganism Sampling Efficiency. 1991
Evaluation of Several Skin Cleaning Procedures to Remove 14C-Methylene Bisphenyl Isocyanate from the Skin of Fischer 344 Rats, with Cover Letter dated 04/22/1997. 1997
Evaluation of the Effect of Asbestos in Industrial Conditions (Otsenka Vozdeistviya Asbesta v Usloviyakh Proizvodstvennoi Sredy). 1973
Evaluation of the Health Hazards Involved in House-Spraying with DDT. 1959
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of lead and lead compounds : in support of reportable quantity adjustments pursuant to CERCLA section 102. 1989
Executive summary : EPA region VII organizational health survey / 1993
Expendable Americans. 1974
Exposure and risk assessment for benzo{a}pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons volume I, summary / 1985
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