Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 251 - 300
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industrial Waste)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Capsule report : aqueous mercury treatment / 1997
Case Against Mercury. 1972
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 1. 1987
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 2. 1987
Case study of the Muncie, Indiana, water quality control program 1982
Catalytic oxidation of organic compounds in waste water : final report 1971
Catalytic Oxidation of Organics in Wastewater. 1973
Catalyzed bio-oxidation and tertiary treatment of integrated textile wastewaters / 1974
Catalyzed Bio-Oxidation and Tertiary Treatment of Integrated Textile Wastewaters. 1974
Cattle feedlots and the environment : [control guidelines]. 1972
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume I. executive Summary. 1971
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume II. 1971
Centralized treatment of metal finishing wastes at a Cleveland Resource Recovery Park : part 1. Design and Costs. Part 2. Financing. Part 3. Site investigation / 1985
Centralized Treatment of Metal Finishing Wastes. Appendices. 1980
CERCLA site discharges to POTWs : guidance manual / 1990
Characteristics and Kinetics of Biological Fixed Film Reactors. 1970
Characteristics of wastewaters from ethical pharmaceutical industry. 1974
Characterization and in-plant reduction of wastewater from hog slaughtering operations / 1977
Characterization and treatment of aqueous wastes and residue from petroleum refineries / 1983
Characterization of operating and maintenance practices for wastewater treatment systems in the iron and steel industry {microfiche} 1984
Characterization of priority pollutants from an airplane parts manufacturing facility / 1980
Characterization of solid constituents in blackwater effluents from coal preparation plants / 1979
Charged droplet technology for removal of particulates from industrial gases / 1971
Chemical and Physical Factors in the Flocculation of Metal Plating Wastes with Polyelectrolytes. 1972
Chemical coagulation/mixed-media filtration of aerated lagoon effluent / 1975
Chemical Processing Plants, Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. Task II Removal of boron from wastewater / 1976
Chemical Treatment of Plating Waste for Removal of Heavy Metals. 1973
Chemical/biological implications of using chlorine and ozone for disinfection / 1977
Chemical/physical and biological treatment of wool processing wastes / 1974
Chemicals in the human food chain / 1990
Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes Involving Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation. 1987
Chlorinated Compounds Found in Waste-Treatment Effluents and Their Capacity to Bioaccumulate. 1976
Chlorinated organic compounds in digested, heat-conditioned, and purifax-treated sludges {microform} / 1984
Chlorolysis applied to the conversion of chlorocarbon residues / 1978
Chromium in Water - A Bibliography. 1972
Clean Water. Report to Congress, 1974. 1974
Cleaning up mixed waste streams : the tank truck washing example. 1977
Closed-cycle cooling systems for steam-electric power plants : a state-of-the-art manual / 1979
Closure evaluation for petroleum residue land treatment / 1984
Coliform bacteria growth and control in aerated stabilization basins / 1973
Coliform Bacteria Growth and Control in Aerated Stabilization Basins. 1973
Colloid Flotation and Adsorbing Colloid Flotation. 1970
Color characterization before and after lime treatment / 1974
Color removal and sludge disposal process for kraft mill effluents / 1974
Color removal from kraft mill effluents by ultrafiltration / 1980
Color Removal from Kraft Mill Effluents by Ultrafiltration. 1973
Color Removal from Kraft Pulp Mill Effluents by Massive Lime Treatment. 1973
Color removal from kraft pulping effluent by lime addition / 1971
Color Removal from Kraft Pulping Effluent by Lime Addition. Capsule Report. 1973
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