Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 57
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Indian reservations United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to EPA programs in Indian country / 1996
A guide to EPA programs in indian country / 2000
A Guide to hazardous waste management at tribal health care clinics / 2008
A Solid waste resource guide for Native Americans : where to find funding and technical assistance. 1994
A Solid waste resource guide for Native Americans : where to find funding and technical assistance. 1992
Agency proposes to authorize hazardous waste mangement [sic] to Indian tribes. 1996
At a Glance : EPA Needs an Agency-Wide Plan to Provide Tribal Solid Waste Management Capacity Assistance. 2011
Bizhibayaash, Circle of flight : tribal wetland and waterfowl enhancement initiative. 1991
Briefing book for workshop on tribal issues associated with the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission : March 29-31, 1995 Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1995
Conducting secretarial order 3127 contaminant surveys training : Puyallup Tribe, Tacoma Washington, March 10, 1999 : course handbook / U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Lakes Region. 1999
Consulting with indian tribal governments at Superfund sites : a beginner's booklet / 2006
Developing a tribal implementation plan / 2002
Environmental law and indian country in Alaska 1997
Environmental management resources for Indian tribes : a fact sheet. 1999
Environmental management resources for Indian tribes : working document. 1999
Environmental Protection Agency environmental activities on Indian reservations : FY 89. 1989
EPA Indian policy / 1994
EPA Needs an Agency-Wide Plan to Provide Tribal Solid Waste Management Capacity Assistance. 2011
Guidance and Policy for Implementation of Tribal Air Monitoring Programs. 2007
Guidance on the process for review of enforcement actions against tribal facilities / 1996
Guide to EPA programs in indian country 2000
Handbook for developing and managing tribal nonpoint source pollution programs under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. 2010
Illegal dumping prevention project : tribal assistance. 0
Improving EPA's Performance With Program Evaluation : an Evaluation of OAR's Tribal Air Program / 2003
Indian drinking water supply study / 1988
Indian policy implementation guidance / 1984
Indian policy. 1994
Indian policy. 1984
Indian reservations : distinction between EPA jurisdiction over public water systems and state jurisdiction / 1976
Memorandum Subject : Transmittal of the Final Guidance on the Enforcement Principles Outlined in the 1984 Indian Policy / 2001
Municipal solid waste landfill permit programs : a primer for tribes. 1994
National forum to discuss impediments to the implementation of waste programs : final report, February 1998 / 1998
Navajo Nation Solid Waste Act. 1997
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) : FY 2014 National Program Manager Guidance. 2013
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) : FY 2016-2017 National Program Manager Guidance. 2015
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) : FY 2016-2017 National Program Manager Guidance. 2015
Office of International and Tribal Affairs National Program Manager Guidance : Fiscal Year 2018-2019. 2017
Office of International and Tribal Affairs National Program Manager Guidance : Fiscal Year 2018-2019. 2017
OITA National Program Managers Guidance Early Engagement Summary Report. 2016
Open dump cleanup project helps tribes fight waste. 2003
Publications on mining waste management in Indian country / 1996
Publications on mining waste management in Indian country. 1999
Report and recommendations to the President of the United States / 1984
Response to Recommendations from the National Tribal Environmental Council's February 10-11, 1998 Albuquerque National Tribal Forum. 1999
Rules of the game for the Indian reservation roads program / 1997
State and reservation new perspectives on federal Indian policy / 1992
Success stories / 2003
Summary of Early Engagement with States and Tribes on the FY 2018-2019 NPM Guidance / 2016
Survey of American Indian environmental protection needs on reservation lands, 1986 / 1986
Survey of tribal actions to protect water quality and the implementation of the tribal amendments to the Clean Water Act : report to the National Indian Policy Center / 1994
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