Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incinerators Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1978
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1979
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources incinerators / 1979
An evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy systems / 1980
Audit of the Vulcanus incineration ship prior to the August 1982 PCB burn, Mobile, Alabama / 1983
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1989
Chemical and physical characterization of municipal sludge incinerator emissions / 1984
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (municipal incinerators) / 1974
Collaborative study of particulate emissions measurements by EPA methods 2, 3, and 5 using paired particulate sampling trains (municipal incinerators) / 1976
Combustion emissions technical resource document (CETRED) / 1994
Drake Chemical Site: Incinerator Full-Scale Operation Integrated Risk Assessment Draft: Volume I: Risk Assessment Report 1997
Drake Chemical Site: Incinerator Full-Scale Operation Integrated Risk Assessment Draft: Volume II: Appendices 1997
Drake Chemical Site: Incinerator Full-Scale Operation Integrated Risk Assessment Draft: Volume II: Appendices (CONTINUED) 1997
Economic impact of changing emission standards for explosive waste incinerators, R78-9 1979
EPA's risk assessment methodology for municipal incinerator emissions : key findings and conclusions. 1987
Evaluation of a controlled air municipal incinerator 1976
Evaluation of solidified residue from municipal solid waste combustors / 1989
Evaluation of solidified residue from municipal solid waste combustors : project summary / 1990
Evaluation of two methods for the measurement of mercury emissions in exhaust gases from a municipal waste combustor / 1992
Inorganic compound identification of fly ash emissions from municipal incinerators / 1983
Municipal waste combustion : background information for materials separation. 1991
National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program : the environmental characterization of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combustion technology : Mid-Connecticut facility, Hartford, Connecticut / 1994
National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program : the environmental characterization of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combustion technology : Mid-Connecticut facility, Hartford, Connecticut. 1992
New RCRA regulations for industrial boilers, furnaces, and incinerators : proceedings. 1992
Operation of oil burning equipment and incinerators : an air pollution control workbook. / 1970
Preliminary environmental assessment of afterburner combustion systems / 1981
Protocol for the collection and analysis of volatile POHCs using VOST / 1984
Public health overview of incineration as a means to destroy hazardous wastes / 1992
Report of the Interagency Ad Hoc Work Group for the Chemical Waste Incinerator Ship Program / 1981
Report on the technical workshop on WTI incinerator risk issues / 1993
Report on the U.S. EPA technical workshop on WTI incinerator risk assessment issues. 1996
Session 25, alternative MSW emissions control technologies : for presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 24-29, 1990. 1990
Session 32, MSW incinerator emissions control technologies : for presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 24-29, 1990. 1990
Small municipal waste combustors: background information document for new source performance standards and emission guidelines : public comments and responses. 2000
Source category survey : industrial incinerators / 1980
Sources and air emission control technologies at waste management facilities : capsule report 1997
Statement of Michael Shapiro, director of the Office of Solid Waste strategy for hazardous waste minimization and combustion / 1994
Strategy for hazardous waste minimization and combustion / 1994
THC continuous emission monitoring guidance for part 503 sewage sludge incinerators. 1994
The environmental characterization of RDF combustion technology: Mid-Connecticut facility, Hartford, Connecticut : project summary / 1996
The National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program (NITEP) : a summary of the characterization and treatment studies on residues from municipal solid waste incineration / 1993
Trial burn protocol verification at a hazardous waste incinerator / 1984

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