Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Incineration 2000" : a joint study of impacts of a sludge disposal alternative to ocean dumping in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Region / 1990
1997 proceedings Air & Waste Management Association's 90th annual meeting & exhibition Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 8-13, 1997. [electronic resource] : 1997
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : waste disposal - open burning – land clearing debris 2023
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : waste disposal - open burning – residential household waste 2023
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : waste disposal - open burning – yard waste 2023
A & WMA's 101st annual conference & exhibition : integrating science and sustainability. 2008
A citizen's guide to incineration. 2012
A citizen's guide to incineration. 2002
A comparison of innovative technology for thermal destruction of hazardous waste / 1984
A comparison of the composition and properties of municipal solid waste incinerator ashes based on incinerator configuration and operation / 1988
A Compendium of technologies used in the treatment of hazardous wastes. 1987
A Method for the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in samples from the incineration of PCB waste / 1990
A plain English guide to the EPA part 503 biosolids rule / 1994
A Profile of existing hazardous waste incineration facilities and manufacturers in the United States / 1984
A profile of existing hazardous waste incineration facilities and manufacturers in the United States / 1984
A progress report on the CPU-400 project / 1970
A report on sea-level monitoring of the incineration of organic chloride waste by M/T Vulcanus in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Shell waste burn no. 2 / 1975
A report on the DeKalb county incinerator study / 1970
A report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency marine protection branch : proposed Northeastern Pacific Ocean waste incineration site / 1983
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1978
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1979
A review of techniques for incineration of sewage sludge with solid wastes / 1977
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler / 1983
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler. : Volume 1. Test and evaluation / 1983
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler. : Volume 2. Test protocol / 1983
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
A technical assistance panels program report : resource recovery options for Boulder, Colorado / 1981
A Technical overview of the concept of disposing of hazardous wastes in industrial boilers / 1985
Abstract proceedings : forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international : Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989. 1989
Abstract proceedings : Technical Support Project general meeting / 1991
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 7 / 2003
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 6. 2004
Addendum to the Methodology for assessing health risks associated with indirect exposure to combustor emissions. 1993
Addendum to the regulatory impact assessment for proposed hazardous waste combustion MACT standards : draft / 1995
Advanced Techniques for Incineration of Municipal Solid Wastes. 1972
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Air pollutant emission standards and guidelines for municipal waste combustors : economic analysis of materials separation requirement. 1990
Air pollutant emission standards and guidelines for municipal waste combustors : revision and update of economic impact analysis and regulatory impact analysis / 1990
Air pollutant emissions from burning sugar cane and pineapple residues from Hawaii / 1975
Air pollution aspects of sludge incineration. 1975
Air pollution aspects of tepee burners used for disposal of municipal refuse / 1966
Air pollution control at resource recovery facilities final / 1984
Air pollution emissions and control technology : packaged incinerators 1977
Air screening assessment for Cook County, Illinois, and Lake County, Indiana / 2004
Air toxics technical assistance for the state of Alaska final report / 1987
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : emission factors for Superfund remediation technologies / 1991
All fired up : burning hazardous waste in cement kilns. 1992
Alternatives to the management of hazardous wastes at national disposal sites. : volume II. appendices / 1973
Alternatives to the Management of Hazardous Wastes at National Disposal Sites. Volume II. Appendices. 1973
Amendment to the regulations for burning hazardous waste in boilers and industrial furnaces / 1991
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