Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 pacific northwest on-farm test results : from the Idaho, Oregon and Washington STEEP II on-farm testing projects / 1995
1997 revised forest plan : Targhee National Forest. 1997
2006 state of salmon in watersheds {electronic resource} / 2006
50 activities for self-directed teams 1994
A comparison of alternative approaches for estimating recreation and related benefits of water quality improvement / 1983
A demonstrated approach for improving performance and reliability of biological wastewater treatment plants / 1979
A management review of the Superfund program / 1989
A management review of the Superfund program : implementation plan. 1989
A report of pollution of the Upper Mississippi River and major tributaries. 1966
A review of fisheries habitat improvement projects in warmwater streams, with recommendations for Wisconsin / 1990
A selected, annotated bibliography of riparian area management. 1987
A survey of fish-community and habitat goals/objectives/targets and status in Great Lakes areas of concern / 1993
A survey of potential medical and veterinary diseases at habitat development field sites : final report / 1978
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Adaptation of Gaussian Plume Model to Incorporate Multiple Station Data Input. Volume II. Appendices. 1975
Adopting a stream a Northwest handbook / 1988
Advanced Emissions Speciation Methodologies for the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program. 2. Aldehydes, Ketones, and Alcohols. 1992
Agricultural runoff management (ARM) model version II : refinement and testing / 1977
Alternative Methods of Financing Wastewater Treatment. Report to Congress. 1975
American black duck breeding habitat enhancement in the northeastern United States : a review and synthesis / 1988
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Visit of the La Plata Water Treatment Plant Phase II Project, Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Site Visit Report. 2011
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Visit of the Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion, Town of Buckeye, Arizona. 2011
An integrative approach to prioritizing and restoring aquatic habitat connectivity in a national park setting : the case of Kejimkujik / 2014
An introduction to habitat development on dredged material / 1978
Annual report. 0
Aquatic habitat assessment : common methods / 1999
Aquatic reef habitat plan agreement committment 1994 / 1994
Arsenic and Antimony Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media. U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at South Truckee Meadows General Improvement District (STMGID), NV Interim Evaluation Report. 2007
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media. U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at South Truckee Meadows General Improvement District (STMGID), NV. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2009
Aspen Metro Sanitation District. Snowmass Water and Sanitation District. 201 Wastewater Facilities Plans. 1976
Assessment of effect of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. B, California : final report 1977
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. A, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest : executive summary 1976
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. A, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest : final report 1977
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. A, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest : Pacific Northwest region case studies 1977
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. A, Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest : Rocky Mountain region case studies 1977
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. B, California : case studies 1977
Assessment of effects of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife : pt. B, California : executive summary 1976
Assessment of non-traditional controls on ambient air quality 1981
Atmospheric dispersion parameters in Gaussian plume modeling. 1976
Automated In Situ water quality sensor workshop February 14-16, 1978 / 1978
Basic Briefing Documents. 1972
Bay scallop / 1983
Before and after case studies: Comparisons of water quality following municipal treatment plant improvements [microform] / 1984
Bench Testing of On-Line Residual Chlorine Analyzers. 1985
Beneficial uses of dredged material : proceedings of the First Interagency Workshop, 7-9 October 1986, Pensacola, Florida / 1987
Best management practices for placer mining / 1986
Better backyard : a citizen's resource guide to beneficial landscaping and habitat restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 1999
Better trout habitat : a guide to stream restoration and management / 1991
Biennial report / 2003
Biological significance of fluvial processes in the lotic environment / 1978
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