Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46

Select Item Title Year Published
Akehurst's modern introduction to international law / 1997
Antarctic Treaty : final report of the Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Tromso, Norway, 25 May - 5 June 1998. 1998
Antarctic Treaty : final report of the twenty-third Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Lima, Peru, 24 May -4 June 1999. 1999
Basic documents in international law 1983
Bibliography on Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Water Pollution Control and Abatement. Part I. Abstracts. Part II. Center of Competence for Eastern U.S. Water Laws. 1972
Climate change 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change / 1996
Contemporary international law a concise introduction / 1979
Digest of international law / 1963
Digest of United States practice in international law. 1973
Environmental change and international law : new challenges and dimensions / 1992
Evolution and status of the precautionary principle in international law 2002
Final report of the Fourth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources : adopted at Wellington, 2 June 1988. 1988
Guide to international legal research / 2011
Intellectual property : U.S. efforts have contributed to strengthened laws overseas, but significant enforcement challenges remain : testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, United States Senate / 2005
Intellectual property and human development : current trends and future scenarios / 2011
International environmental law and naval war : the effect of marine safety and pollution conventions during international armed conflict / 2000
International finance : law and regulation / 2012
International law : process and prospect / 1987
International legal environment 1986
International legal materials. 1962
International treaties on intellectual property 1990
Introduction to international law 1988
Law of international water resources some general conventions, declarations, and resolutions adopted by governments, international legal institutions, and international organizations, on the management of international water resources / 1980
Laws and Institutional Mechanisms Controlling the Release of Pesticides Into the Environment. 1971
Legal problems in the Arctic regions / 1990
Ocean Disposal of Barge-Delivered Liquid and Solid Wastes from U.S. Coastal Cities. 1971
Oil spill and oil pollution reports, November 1976 -January 1977 / 1977
Oil Spillage. A Bibliography. Volume 1. 1973
Oil Spillage. A Bibliography. Volume 2. 1973
OPA update : implementation of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. 1991
Parry and Grant encyclopaedic dictionary of international law / 1986
Planning for intervention : international cooperation in conflict management / 1999
Principles of public international law 1990
Public international law in a nutshell 2007
Settlement of international environmental disputes : a series of lectures delivered at the Hague Academy of International Law, Summer 1975. 1976
Space and International Law. 1971
State responsibility and the marine environment the rules of decision / 1988
Terrorism law : materials, cases, comments / 2009
Texas international law journal. 1971
The Great Lakes : an environmental atlas and resource book / 1987
The law of nations : an introduction to the international law of peace / 1963
Trademarks throughout the world. 1994
Une strategie pour la gestion de l'eau au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord 1994
Use and disposal of nonbiodegradable plastics in the marine and Great Lakes environments [Microfiche] / 1986
Use and disposal of nondegradable plastics in the marine and Great Lakes environments 1986
Yale journal of international law. 1984

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