Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1091
Showing: Items 101 - 150

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Select Item Title Year Published
APS-5 : 5th International Symposium on Automotive Propulsion Systems, April 14-18, 1980, Hyatt Regency Dearborn Hotel, Dearborn, Michigan / 1980
Arsenic treatment technologies for soil, waste, and water : fact sheet and order information. 2002
Arsenic treatment technologies for soil, waste, and water. 2002
Assessment of fuel processing systems for dispersed fuel cell power plants : interim report 1980
Assessment of pollution prevention opportunities for five industries : final report / 1995
Assessment of pollution prevention opportunities for five industries : project summary / 1995
At a Glance : Weaknesses in EPA's Management of the Radiation Network System Demand Attention. 2012
Automobile technology of the future 1991
Automobile, energy and the environment : a technology assessment of advanced automotive propulsion systems / 1974
Automotive 2030, North America / 2011
Automotive industry and the environment : a technical, business and social future / 2003
Avoiding dangerous climate change / 2006
Barriers to environmental technology innovation and use. 1998
Bench-scale studies to identify process parameters controlling reburning with pulverized coal / 1990
Bench-scale testing of photolysis, chemical oxidation, and biodegradation of PCB contaminated soils, and photolysis of TCDD contaminated soils : project summary. 1995
Beneficial reuse of lime softening residuals for flue gas desulfurization 1997
Better government through information management 1993
Between public and private mobility : examining the rise of technology-enabled transportation services / 2016
Beyond bibliometrics : harnessing multidimensional indicators of scholarly impact / 2014
Beyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome / 1981
Bibliographic database search on innovative and emerging technologies for hazardous waste management, 1983 to present 1986
Bibliography for innovative site clean-up technologies : April 1998 update. 1998
Bibliography for innovative site clean-up technologies : August 1999 update. 1999
Bibliography for innovative site clean-up technologies : September 1996 update. 1996
Bioaerosol detection technologies / 2014
Biodefense in the age of synthetic biology / 2018
Biofiltration for air pollution control / 1999
Biofuels / 2009
Biomimicry : innovation inspired by nature / 2002
Biomimicry : innovation inspired by nature / 1998
Biomolecular Sensing for Biological Processes and Environmental Monitoring Applications. 1995
Biorefineries and chemical processes : design, integration and sustainability analysis / 2014
Bioremediation for marine oil spills. 1990
Bioslurping / 1996
Biotechnology : implications for agribusiness in the 1990s / 1988
Bioventing and vapor extraction : uses and applications in remediation operations : April 15, 1992. 1992
Breaking barriers to the use of innovative technologies : state regulatory role in unexploded ordnance detection and characterization technology selection / 2000
Bronco oil shale study a study of the feasibility of fracturing oil shale with nuclear exlosions, the extraction of oil by in situ retorting, and the design of an experiment to test this concept / 1967
Brownfields : technical resources : industrial & analytical profiles / 1990
Brownfields road map to understanding options for site investigation and cleanup. 2012
Building innovation for homeownership 1998
Building library 3.0 : issues in creating a culture of participation / 2009
Building Superior Coastal Communities. 2006
Building the 21st century : U.S.-China cooperation on science, technology, and innovation : summary of a symposium / 2011
Business and environment : toward common ground 1977
Capital costs of arsenic removal technologies, U.S. EPA arsenic removal technology demonstration program, round 1 [electronic resource] / 2004
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation : volume 2, long term monitoring of PRBs : soil and ground water sampling / 2003
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation. Volume 1, Performance evaluations at two sites / 2003
Carbon capture / 2012
Carbon dioxide sequestration in geological media--state of the science 2009
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