Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 431
Showing: Items 351 - 400

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Select Item Title Year Published
SOTDAT, source test data system information / 1980
Spatial data infrastructures in context : north and south / 2011
SPHERE search and retrieval user manual 1982
State geographic information activities compendium 1992
Statistical manipulation of national eutrophication survey, water quality data in STORET : format for acquiring rapid data analysis capabilities of STORET data / 1975
Status report #3 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Status report #4 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Storage and retrieval of water quality data. 1971
Storage of sediment data into the STORET water quality file 1982
STORET : EPA's computerized water quality data base : the right answer. 1976
STORET on-line documentation system. 1989
STORET system development report : stream loading program. 1965
STORET user handbook : part WQ, water quality file : chapter WQ-DE, water quality data entry / 1986
Storet user handbook : the right answers for storet users / 1977
STORET/BIOS/ODES/WQAS tools inventory / 1994
Strategy for geographical information systems assessment and implementation inception report / 1992
Stronger management of EPA's information resources is critical to meeting program needs : report to the Congress / 1980
Summary of basic data operations San Francisco Bay-Delta water quality control program. 1968
Summary of on-line or interactive physico-chemical numerical data systems / 1980
Superfund Transactions Automated Retrieval System (STARS) system detailed requirements document : final / 1989
Supplemental user's guide for applying the WASP4 model program. 1991
Support to the Environmental Protection Agency nonionizing radiation source analysis : consulting report / 1982
Survey methods for ecosystem management / 1980
System builder user guide : Version 2.0. / 1987
System design and development guidance : EPA/ADP application guidance to hareware/software selection : supplement guide to volume B / 1990
Tapping into the fish and wildlife information explosion commercial on-line data sources / 1992
Teaching electronic information literacy : a how-to-do-it manual / 1995
Technical proposal and justification for revising the 1987 annual/biennial reporting forms and data system 1987
The Computation and Graphical Display of the NSF Water Quality Index from the STORET Data Base Using the Integrated Plotting Package : Program Documentation and Users Guide, 1978
The data sharing committee's review of the total coliform rule data needs and safe drinking water information system (SDWIS/FED) reporting requirements / 1997
The emissions inventory system/area source user's guide / 1980
The emissions inventory system/point source user's guide / 1980
The fourth paradigm : data-intensive scientific discovery / 2009
The ICIS Resource. 2011
The Mathematical water quality model Qual-II and guidance for its use : revised version. 1982
The plant information network. 1977
The Process of legal research / 1996
The reference guide to data sources / 2014
The revised organic chemical producers data base system / 1980
The role of geoscience information in reducing catastrophic loss using a web-based economics experiment / 2003
The storage and retrieval of data for water quality control / 1964
The storage, cataloguing and retrieval of meteorological information / 1974
Thesaurus guide analytical directory of selected vocabularies for information retrieval, 1992 / 1993
Tomorrow's access, today's decisions : ensuring access to today's electronic resources : proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of Research Library Directors, March 11-12, 1996. 1996
Tools and methods to effectively measure customer perceptions 2001
Toxicology information program online services ELHILL files quick reference guide. 1992
Transit information system to support subarea transportation planning 1982
Transmittal of OHM - TADS printout. 1978
TSCA 8(A) a information system : data base design document / 1983
TSCA 8(A) a information system : data entry user's guide / 1984
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