Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 431
Showing: Items 251 - 300

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Select Item Title Year Published
Legal research applications : users' manual. 0
Lexis-Nexis for law students 1995
Librarian's guide to online searching : cultivating database skills for research and instruction / 2015
Literature of the life sciences : reading, writing, research / 1985
Long-Term Ecological Research Network core data set catalog 1990
Machine processing of hydrometeorological data / 1971
Major EPA information systems using data provided by state and local agencies. 1985
Major management challenges and program risks Environmental Protection Agency / 1999
Making the most of your CLU-IN visits. 2002
Management and design tools for document retrieval systems: a method for predicting quantity output 1973
Management and technical evaluation of STORET 1975
Manager's guide to STORET / 1979
Managing electronic records 1992
Managing electronic records. 1990
Materials aerometric database for use in developing materials damage functions / 1989
Medical and health information directory 1977
Metadata and digital library development : additional handouts / 2008
Metadata fundamentals for all librarians / 2003
Michigan water resources enforcement and information system / 1973
MINTEQA1, an equilibrium metal speciation model : user's manual / 1987
MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, a geochemical assessment model for environmental systems : version 3.0 user's manual / 1991
Model for information integration : a preview of the core components of EPA's target Environment Information Architecture (EIA). 2002
Municipal facility/waterbody computerized information : an introduction. 1987
National Conference on Environmental Problem-solving with Geographic Information Systems : 1994 and 1999 conference proceedings / 2000
National Conference on Environmental Problem-Solving with Geographic Information Systems : September 21-23, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio / 1994
National Conference on Environmental Problem-Solving with Geographic Information Systems : September 21-23, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio / 1995
National Conference on Environmental Problem-Solving with Geographic Information Systems : September 21-23, 1994, The Clarion Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1994
National Library of Medicine Toxicology Data Network a brief guide to searching its files. 1981
National Oceanographic Data Center taxonomic code / 1984
National Oceanographic Data Center users guide 1984
National Online Meeting proceedings--1989, New York, May 9-11, 1989 1989
NIH/EPA chemical information system (CIS) development and maintenance : Monthly status report / 1983
NoSQL distilled : a brief guide to the emerging world of polyglot persistence / 2013
NPIRS ready reference. 1992
NTIS database search guide. 1996
OAQPS TTN : Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards - Technology Transfer Network / 1995
Occupational safety data base for solid waste management : final report / 1980
ODES/STORET bridge user guide. 1993
Office of Toxic Substances information resources directory 0
Oil and hazardous materials : technical assistance data system / 1976
OIRM records management procedures manual. 1985
On-line document retrieval strategy using the PLATO system 1971
Online monitoring for drinking water utilities 2002
Online searcher. 2013
Online searching a scientist's perspective : a guide for the chemical and life sciences / 1996
Online searching on STN Beilstein reference manual / 1989
Online. 1977
OTS data dictionary for automated systems 1982
OTS information architecture notebook / 1983
Overview of the industry file index system / 1983
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