Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hypothalamus)

Select Item Title Year Published
5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine Injections Increase Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in the Hypothalamus of Adult Rats. 1991
Age-Related Alterations in the Stimulated Release In vitro of Catecholamines and Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone from the Male Rat Hypothalamus. 1987
Brain Temperature Measurement in Rats: A Comparison of Microwave and Ambient Temperature Exposures. 1986
Caveats in Hazard Assessment: Stress and Neurotoxicity. 1991
Changes in Testicular and Serum Hormone Concentratios in the Male Rat Following Treatment with 'm'-Dinitrobenzene (Journal Version). 1988
Dithicarbamate Fungicide Thiram Disrupts the Hormonal Control of Ovulation in the Female Rat. 1993
Effects of Low Subchronic Doses of Methoxychlor on the Rat Hypothalamic-Pituitary Reproductive Axis. 1986
Neuroendocrine Responses to Social Regulation of Puberty in the Female House Mouse. 1992
Neuroendocrinology of Female Reproduction: Review, Models, and Potential Approaches for Risk Assessment. 1988
Special report on environmental endocrine disruption : an effects assessment and analysis / 1997
The Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis revisited : a symposium in honor of Dorothy Krieger and Edward Herbert / 1987
Toxic effects of xenobiotics on the pituitary gland. {microfiche} 1991

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