Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1311
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hygiene)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"It's too darn hot" : planning for excessive heat events : information for older adults and family caregivers. 2007
1,3-butadiene : human health aspects : first draft / 2001
100 problems in environmental health; a collection of promising research problems. 1961
1440 : occupational health and safety manual / 1986
1990-1991 threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 1990
1993-1994 threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 1993
1994-1995 threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 1994
1996 TLVs and BEIs : threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 1996
1997 TLVs and BEIs : threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents ; biological exposure indices. 1997
1st National Research Conference on Children's Environmental Health : research practice prevention policy : conference report / 1997
2, 4-diaminoanisole (4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine) in hair and fur dyes. 1978
2000 TLVs and BEIs : threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 2000
2001 TLVs and BEIs : threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 2001
2003 TLVs and BEIs : threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents and biological exposure indices. 2003
2006 TLVs and BEIs : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2006
2008 TLVs and BEIs : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2008
2010 TLVs and BEIs : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2010
2012 TLVs and BEIs : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2012
2015 TLVs and BEIs : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2015
2018 TLVs(R) and BEIs(R) : based on the documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents & biological exposure indices / 2018
3Ts for reducing lead in drinking water in schools and child care facilities : fact sheet for public water suppliers / 2007
3Ts for reducing lead in drinking water in schools and child care facilities. 2005
3Ts for reducing lead in drinking water in schools and child care facilities. 2005
A breath of air : what pollution is doing to our children = Al respirar aire : como afecta la contaminacion a nuestros hijos. 2004
A CDC guide for healthy travel. 0
A decade of tribal environmental health research : results and impacts from EPA's extramural grants and fellowship programs. 2014
A framework for assessing health risk of environmental exposures to children / 2006
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
A laboratory investigation of an iodometric method for determining chlorine and chlorine dioxide in pulp and paper industry workplace atmospheres. 0
A Laboratory investigation of techniques for instrumentally measuring chlorine and chlorine dioxide in the pulp bleaching area workplace. 1983
A laboratory investigation of the use of commercial detector tubes for the measurement of chlorine and chlorine dioxide in pulp bleaching area workplace atmospheres. 1983
A laboratory method to determine the retention of liquids on the surface of hands / 1992
A national dialogue on the worker protection standard. 1997
A preliminary radiological assessment of radon exhalation from phosphate gypsum piles and inactive uranium mill tailings piles / 1979
A Prototype gas analysis system using a miniature gas chromatograph / 1981
A Report to the Secretary of Labor : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Occupational Health & Safety Programs for CY 1978. 1979
A strategy for assessing and managing occupational exposures / 2015
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 3/ SRI International ; prepared for United States, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances ; Project Officer: James Darr. 1978
Abestos Release from the Demolition of Two Schools in Fairbanks, Alaska. 1994
Acceptable level of exposure 1977
ACGIH transactions. 1982
Achieving sawmill health and safety / 1987
Action and resource guide for healthy schools : making Illinois schools environmentally healthy places to learn and work / 2005
Active and passive smoking hazards in the workplace / 1990
Acute Toxicity of Mesityl Oxide and Isomestyl Oxide prepared by University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco. 1983
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride) / 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Adipose tissue lipid and blood serum levels of individual PCB congeners and homolog groups final report / 1984
Advanced Methodologies for Sampling and Analysis of Toxic Organic Chemicals in Ambient Outdoor, Indoor, and Personal Respiratory Air. 1989
Advances in the Measurement of Ambient Carbon Fibers. 1984
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