Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5
Showing: Items 1 - 5
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrogeochemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Geologic Study of the Chemical Quality of Medicine Lake. 1971
Hydrologic-Hydrochemical Characterization of Texas Frio Formation Used for Deep-Well Injection of Chemical Wastes. 1990
Hydrologic-hydrochemical characterization of Texas Gulf Coast saline formations used for deep-well injection of chemical wastes 1988
Saurer Regen, eine Folge der Stoerung Hydrogeochemischer Kreislaeufe (Acid Rain, a Consequence of Man's Alteration of Hydrogeochemical Cycles). 1983
Stable Sulfur Isotopes of Sulfate in Precipitation and Stream Solutions in a Northern Hardwood Watershed. 1992

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