Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydroelectric power plants Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alaska natural resources and the Rampart Project / 1967
Analysis of environmental issues related to small scale hydroelectric development, II : design considerations for passing fish upstream around dams / 1980
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development : III. Water level fluctuations / 1980
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development, I : dredging / 1980
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development, IV : fish mortality resulting from turbine passage / 1981
Analysis of environmental issues related to small-scale hydroelectric development, V : instream flow needs for fishery resources / 1981
Applicability of the CompMech trout model to hydropower impact assessment : a case study of high-priority environmental issues at Pacific Gas and Electric / 1994
Appraisal report, water resources appraisal for hydroelectric licensing : Sevier Lake Basin, Utah. 1980
California Aqueduct Project, no. 2426 - California : draft environmental impact statement / 1974
California Aqueduct Project, no. 2426 - California : final environmental impact statement / 1976
Cumulative effects of microhydro development on the fisheries of the Swan River drainage, Montana. 1985
Design and analysis methods for fish survival experiments based on release-recapture 1987
Economic Analysis for EPA of the Cushman Hydroelectric Project / 1997
Effect of Niagara power project on ground-water flow in the upper part of the Lockport Dolomite, Niagara Falls area, New York / 1987
Effects of modified hydrology on Campbell River salmonids / 1976
Energy related use conflicts for the Columbia River estuary 1983
Energy related use conflicts for the Columbia River estuary / 1983
Environmental mitigation at hydroelectric projects : Volume 1. Current practices for instream flow needs, dissolved oxygen, and fish passage / 1991
Existing and Proposed Fuel Conversion Facilities Summary / 1976
Feasibility study on preparing a handbook for environmental assessment of small-scale hydroelectric development in the midwest 1998
Final environmental impact statement : Shelley hydroelectric project (FERC project no. 5090) 1994
Final environmental impact statement : six proposed hydroelectric projects in the Nooksack River basin, Washington. 1997
Hydropower river management and salmon recovery issues on the Columbia/Snake River system : field hearing before the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session, April 27, 2000, Pasco, Washington. 2001
Hydropower stacking / 1984
Lucky Peak modification, Boise River, Idaho : revised draft environmental impact statement. 1978
Mercury in the biogeochemical cycle : natural environments and hydroelectric reservoirs of Northern Quebec (Canada) / 1999
Modified Blue Ridge Project no. 2317--North Carolina/Virginia : final environmental impact statement / 1973
Pacific Northwest Rivers Study assessment guidelines, Washington State 1986
Physical impacts of small-scale hydroelectric facilities and their effects on fish and wildlife / 1984
Planning report and draft environmental statement : North Side Pumping Division extension, Idaho Minidoka Project, Idaho-Wyoming / 1986
Recovering a lost river : removing dams, rewilding salmon, revitalizing communities / 2011
Report on stream ice processes : physical and biological effects and relationship to hydroelectric projects. 1992
Rivers at risk the concerned citizen's guide to hydropower / 1989
Salt Lake City area integrated projects, electric power marketing : draft environmental impact statement. 1994
Techniques for mitigation of small-scale hydroelectric project impacts on fish and wildlife and their habitats 1984

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