Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrodynamics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A multilayer hydrodynamical-numerical model (W. Hansen type) : model description and operating/running instructions / 1974
A multilayer hydrodynamical-numerical model (W. Hansen type) : model description and operating/running instructions / 1974
A solution of the differential equation of longitudinal dispersion in porous media : fluid movement in earth materials / 1961
A two-mode free-surface numerical model for the three-dimensional time-dependent currents in large lakes / 1980
A vertically integrated hydrodynamical-numerical model (W. Hansen type) : model description and operating/running instructions / 1974
A vertically integrated hydrodynamical-numerical model (W. Hansen Type) model description and operating/running instruction / 1974
Absorption from Aqueous Solution. 1974
Adaptation of J. R. Hunters one-dimensional model to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal system 1978
Advances in water resources. 1977
Albemarle-Pamlico Coupling Study. 1991
An experimental study of drag forces and other performance criteria of baffle blocks in hydraulic jumps / 1970
An experimental/analytical investigation of deep submerged multiple buoyant jets / 1976
An introduction to fluid dynamics / 1967
Analysis of a Pipe when in Contact with the Ocean Bottom and Rigidly Fixed at One End. 1971
Analytical Solution to Saturated Flow in a Finite Stratified Aquifer. 1988
Application of a Three-Dimensional Circulation Model to Tampa Bay to Support Water Quality Modeling. Final Report. 1995
Application of the Finite-Element Method for Simulation of Surface Water Transport Problems. 1972
Assessment of the Waikato River estuary and delta for whitebait habitat management : field survey, GIS modelling and hydrodynamic modelling / 2014
AT123D Execution Using the Data Management Supporting Systems AT123DIN and AT123DOUT. Users Guide (Draft). 1984
AT123D: Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in the Aquifer System. 1985
Benthic suspension feeders and flow 1997
Bibliography of Hydrologic and Water-Quality Investigations Conducted in or Near the Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds Region, North Carolina. 1988
Bubble Collapse Adjacent to a Rigid Wall, a Flexible Wall, and a Second Bubble. 1971
Buoyant Discharges in Reversing Ambient Currents. Experimental Investigation and Prediction. 1995
Characterization of the Water Quality of the Lower Mississippi River. 1985
Comment on 'A Model for Total Phosphorus in Saginaw Bay'. 1978
Comparison of alternative methods for recharge of a deep aquifer / 2003
Compilation of ASTM standards relating to wastewater and stormwater : June 2006. 2006
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 1. 1974
Compilation of Industrial and Municipal Injection Wells in the United States. Volume 2. 1974
Computation of tides, currents and dispersal of pollutants in Lower Bay and approaches to New York with fine and medium grid size hydrodynamical-numerical models / 1974
Computation of tides, currents and dispersal of pollutants in Lower Bay and approaches to New York with fine and medium grid size hydrodynamical-numerical models / 1974
Computation of tides, currents, and dispersal of pollutants in the New York Bight from Block Island to Atlantic City with large grid size, single and two-layer hydrodynamical-numerical models / 1974
Concepts and equations for multilayered, variable density estuarine hydraulics. 1971
Contaminant Loading from Fox River to Lower Green Bay. 1989
Control of sewer overflows by polymer injection / 1977
CORMIX1 : an expert system for mixing zone analysis of conventional and toxic single port aquatic discharges / 1988
CORMIX1, an expert system for mixing zone analysis of toxic and conventional, single port aquatic discharges / 1988
CORMIX2 : an expert system for hydrodynamic mixing zone analysis of conventional and toxic multiport diffuser discharges / 1991
Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study. Technical Report Number 6. Descriptions of Digital Computer Programs. 1963
Determination of the Manning coefficient from measured bed roughness in natural channels, 1970
Development of three-dimensional numerical models of the Great Lakes 1973
Diffusion and Dispersion in Porous Media - Salt Water Mounds in Coastal Aquifers. 1968
Discharge of Submerged Buoyant Jets into Water of Finite Depth. 1972
Dispersion of Thermal Effluents. 1971
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Double diffusive convection into deep homogeneous layers / 1979
Drag reduction 1971
Drag reduction in polymer solutions. 1973
Dynamic Estuary Model Performance. 1982
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