Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Humic acids)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abiotic Transformations in Water, Sediments, and Soil. Chapter 5. 1990
Activated carbon adsorption of trace organic compounds / 1977
Alternative Water Disinfection Schemes for Reduced Trihalomethane Formation. Volume I. Prototype Studies. 1982
Aquatic humic substances as sources and sinks of photochemically produced transient reactants / 1989
Aquatic Humic Substances as Sources and Sinks of Photochemically Produced Transient Reactants. 1989
Bench scale evaluation of resins and activated carbons for water purificatiion / 1981
Cadmium Speciation in Aquatic-Life Flow-through Bioassay Diluters. 1987
Characterization of Metal Binding Sites in Fulvic Acids by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy. 1989
Characterization of sewage sludge and sewage sludge-soil systems / 1984
Characterization of the Reaction between Monochloramine and Isolated Aquatic Fulvic Acid. 1985
Chemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter and its Influence on the Chemistry of River Water. 1972
Chlorinated Humic Acid Mixtures Establish Criteria for Detection of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water. 1987
Chlorination of aquatic humic substances / 1981
Chlorine Dioxide Effects on THMFP, TOXFP, and the Formation of Inorganic By-products. 1987
Combustion of hydrothermally treated coals / 1978
Comparison of High Molecular Weight Organics Isolated from Drinking Water in Five Cities. 1986
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: I. Sunlight Induced Reactions of Aquatic Pollutants Photosensitized by Humic Substances. 1981
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: II. Photosensitized Oxygenations. 1980
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: III. Spectroscopic Properties of Humic Substances. 1981
Continuous Multiligand Distribution Model Used to Predict the Stability Constant of Cu(II) Metal Complexation with Humic Material from Fluorescence Quenching Data. 1991
Conventional Water Treatment and Direct Filtration: Treatment and Removal of Total Organic Carbon and Trihalomethane Precursors. 1986
Correlations Among Trihalomethane (THM) and Total Organic Halide (TOX) Formation in Water Treatment Facilities. 1985
Determination of a Chlorinated Furanone (MX) in Treated Water. 1987
Development of a Statistical Model for Metal-Humic Interactions. 1990
Effect of Monochloramine on Isolated Fulvic Acid. 1985
Effects of Humic and Fulvic Acids on Poliovirus Concentration from Water by Microporous Filtration. 1985
Effects of humic substances on metal speciation / 1989
Effects of Humic Substances on Metal Speciation. 1987
Effects of variable hardness, pH, alkalinity, suspended clay, and humics on the chemical speciation and aquatic toxicity of copper 1986
Effects of Water Quality on Microporous Filter Methods for Enteric Virus Concentration. 1984
Environmental Photoprocesses Involving Natural Organic Matter. 1987
Fates and biological effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic systems / 1983
Fluorescence Techniques for Metal-Humic Interactions. 1991
Fluorescent Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Probes for Studying the Impact of Colloids on Pollutant Transport in Groundwater. 1990
Formation of Acidic Trace Organic By-Products from the Chlorination of Humic Acids. 1984
Formation of Mutagens Following Chlorination of Humic Acid: A Model for Mutagen Formation during Drinking Water Treatment. 1983
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy Analysis of Mutagenic Extracts of Aqueous Chlorinated Humic Acid. A Comparison of the Byproducts to Drinking Water Contaminants. 1984
GC/MS Identification of Mutagens in Aqueous Chlorinated Humic Acid and Drinking Waters Following HPLC (High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography) Fractionation of Strong Acid Extracts. 1987
Halogenated organics study for Allen, Kingston, and Shawnee Steam Plants / 1981
Humic Acid Effects on Uptake of Hexachlorobenzene and Hexachlorobiphenyl by Sheepshead Minnows in Static Sediment/Water Systems. 1993
Humic Substances and Contaminant Transport: A Review. 1992
Identification of Mutagenic Compounds Formed during Chlorination of Humic Acid. 1985
Influence of Naturally Occurring Humic Acids on Biodegradation of Monosubstituted Phenols by Aquatic Bacteria. 1985
Isolation of Dissolved Organic Matter from the Suwannee River Using Reverse Osmosis. 1994
Measurements of Binding Site Concentrations in Humic Substances. 1988
Metal speciation by Donnan analysis. / 1984
Methodology for Studying the Molecular Structure of Coals and Humic Acids (Metodika Issledovaniya Molekulyarnogo Stroeniya Uglei i Guminovykh Kislot). 1972
Molecular Size Exclusion by Soil Organic Materials Estimated from Their Swelling in Organic Solvents. 1993
New Directions in Oxidant By-Product Research: Identification and Significance. 1985
Novel Approach to Metal-Humic Complexation Studies by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy. 1989
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