Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Human ecology United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
1976: agenda for tomorrow 1968
African American environmental thought : foundations / 2007
America's children and the environment : measures of contaminants, body burdens, and illnesses. 2003
America's children and the environment. 2013
American environmental history 2003
American environmental history the exploitation and conservation of natural resources / 1977
American environmentalism : values, tactics, priorities / 1980
American habitat: a historical perspective 1973
American wilderness : a new history / 2007
An anthology of selected readings for the symposium on the "Quality of Life" concept : a potential new tool for decision makers / 1972
Attitudes toward environmental quality : area, ethnicity, and SES / 1979
Children's Environmental Health : Research Roadmap. 2015
Diversity and the future of the U.S. environmental movement / 2007
Down to earth : nature's role in American history / 2002
Ecology and the economy a concept for balancing long-range goals: the Pacific northwest example / prepared by Urban & Rural Lands Committee, Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission. 1973
Environment & man. 1965
Environmental concern; personal attitudes and behavior toward environmental problems. 1974
Environmental information sources handbook. 1974
Environmental sourcebook 1992
Environmental values, 1860-1972 : a guide to information sources 1976
Fishy business : salmon, biology, and the social construction of nature / 1999
Green politics / 1986
Green, American style : becoming earth-friendly and reaping the benefits / 2010
Human footprint / 2008
Losing ground 1975
National report on the human environment, United States of America 1972
Organic suburbanite : an environmentally friendly way to live the American dream / 2001
Proceedings of the Aging Americans : impacts on ecology and environmental quality workshop / 2005
Prospects for resilience : insights from New York City's Jamaica Bay / 2016
Quality of life : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1973
Quality of life indicators : a review of state-of-the-art and guidelines derived to assist in developing environmental indicators. 1972
Research priorities for monitoring viruses in the environment / 1983
SAB review of the EMAP program plan and concepts for integration and assessment. 1992
Stratospheric ozone depletion : a focus on EPA's research / 1995
The atlas of U.S. and Canadian environmental history / 2003
The challenge of cross-border environmentalism : the U.S. - Mexico case / 1994
The Federal environmental monitoring directory / 1973
The quality of life concept : a potential new tool for decision-makers / 1973
The republic of nature : an environmental history of the United States / 2012
The shaping of environmentalism in America / 1991
Time spent in activities, locations, and microenvironments : a California national comparison / 1992
Time spent in activities, locations, and microenvironments : a California-national comparison / 1991
Working papers in alternative futures and environmental quality. 1973
Working papers in alternative futures and environmental quality. 1973

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